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Katherine POV

I woke up the next morning in my old room with Jon beside me, I slowly lifted my body up, the cramps didn't really help either.

He was sound asleep as I got out of bed to shower and do my business and getting changed into my white top and black leggings straightening my hair.

After all that. I sat on the bed. I'm an over thinker but what if I did get married to Wade? Would he have really embarrassed me? Or... Would I be stuck being his Wife? I just shook it out my thoughts.

"Morning Beautiful" I felt some warm kisses down my neck making me smile turning around. "How you feeling?" I gave him the 'really' look. He just smirked.

"I'm gonna be downstairs" I quickly pecked his lips and left him alone. My two brothers were on the X-Box one in the living room and my Dad was in the kitchen cooking breakfast up.

"Morning Sweetheart" "Morning Daddy" I kissed his cheek and sat at the table. He set a plate down. "Your famous pancakes" "Love them" I grabbed a fork and started munching at them.

"Boys Breakfast" he shouted. The twins ran in sitting beside me making me in the middle. Great...

"Again do you know how to own a shirt!!!" "We're not going out anywhere" "So? Your sister here" "And? Not like we've seen you at the beach in a bikini" "Perv" "Bite me" "You wish" "KATHERINE, HARRY!" My Dad shouted.

"Some things will never change" Jay chuckled. I rolled my eyes. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Jon appeared. He sat opposite to me.

Dad placed a plate down for him. "Thanks Mr Valley" he looked at me and winked. I smiled.

"Save it for the bedroom barf" "Oh I wish but there's a thing called bleeding out of my vagina" "You don't think I know Miss snappy pants" "How rude!" "And you don't notice but your hand is always on your lower stomach"

I looked down and he was right, I quickly took it off and glared at him. He smirked. "Asshole" "Bitch" "Whore" "Cocksuck-" "HEY!" Jay shouted.

I stood up and stormed upstairs slamming the door shut and locking it. Stupid Brother.

Dean POV

"Both of you will you stop arguing that's all you constantly use to do. You're both grown up adults act like it." Kat Dad said to Harry. "Whatever" he mumbled getting up going upstairs.

I sighed. "Right I got work Jay keep an eye on your brother" he left. Now it was just me and him.

"Were they always like this?" "Always? Oh yeah. They have a rare 1 hour get along moment then bam back to what happened just now"

"How did your parents handle it?" "Kept them away from each other I guess." "Oh right." "So how's my sister been?" "Alright, got a match next week" I shrugged.

I mean relationship wise. "Oh she's fine, comfortable around me. Just she doesn't wanna have kids much I know its a woah fast way thought but-" "But she's still scarred from her last pregnancy?"

"Yeah, she still is" "You know after that happened she didn't go near my daughter much or she would of cried." "Really?"

He nodded. I got up. "I'll check on her" "Jonathan" I looked at him. "Please look after her when you guys go back. She needs someone" "Don't worry I'm back now and I won't be leaving her again"

Katherine POV

I was tuning my guitar and smiled. When me and Harry fought. I would play this. It calmed me and to prevent us from fighting my Mum and Dad made us do a talent show and we'll sing play an instrument together. I guess it was a sneaky way to make us get along.

Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend, somewhere along the bitterness, And I would have stayed up with you all night, Had I known how to save a life..

I was still strumming my guitar when I looked up to see Jon leaning against the doorframe with his arma crossed smiling.

He lifted his weight off. I slowly stopped putting my guitar down. "...How long were you there for...." "Only the chorus" he smiled. "That was beautiful Katherine" he crouched down in front of me.

I smiled looking down at him. He slowly stood up kissing me. I was crawling back as he climbed on top not breaking the kiss. It was nice just doing this, No sex, Not stripping just enjoying the kiss and our tongues.

"I so badly want you right now but I know I can't" he whispered breathing heavily. I giggled. He smirked with his fingers on the waist of my leggings slowly pulling them down.

I stopped him sitting up. "Jon-" "I'm not scared of blood" "It's disgusting and messy" "I won't look if that's what you're worried about" "My bed sheets!" "Place a blanket underneath" "As much as I want to we'll have to wait"

He groaned at that laying back. I smirked. He pulled me down kissing me. "I'll just make out with you then" "You've tasted every milimeter of my mouth" I giggled. "I wanna taste some more" he winked. "You're disgusting" I smirked but it dropped.

"Katherine?" "Sorry just cramps it makes my legs go into pain. "Woah easy" "I'm fine, I'm fine"

"You sure?" "Can you get my period tablets" "Where to are they?" "They should be in the cabinet in my bathroom" he got up looking for them.

My phone started ringing. "Hello?" "Katherine" "Roman?" "Hey, how are you?" "I'm good how's the live events?" "Good, alright how's everything at home" "Eh alright Jon sorta nursing me at the moment" "Aww hope you feel better and remember gotta train you up for your match agaisnt Wade On Monday Night RAW" "Oh don't worry I'm ready" "Just called to check up on you take care and see you monday" "Se ya bye Roman"

I hung up, Jon walked out. "Finally found them" he sat down giving them to me. I smiled staring at him. "I love you" "I love you too gorgeous" he kissed my lips.

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