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Katherine POV

His men sat us in a line tied up on the wooden chairs. He was walking back and forwards. Poor Cecilia is shaking in fear. Jon was growling, he was mad, he wanted to kill. I can see it in his eyes.

"4 kids. My, My you've been busy" "William is not related to Mummy!" Blake scoffed. I rolled my eyes. He's never gonna accept him. "Oh really?" He smirked looking at Jon.

"You've been busy getting other women pregnant?" "You don't need to know anything" "Is that so?" He punched him in the nose. "Toby!" I screamed as the kids cried in horror.

"DADDY!" Cecilia cried out. "TOBY STOP" which he finally did. Jon nose looked broken as blood was gushing out. He shook his knuckle. "Man that felt good"

"Not nice to see now isn't it. After all my girlfriend came home looking like that and that was the last straw!" On cue Amber walked in.

I couldn't help but smirk at my work. She had a small plaster over nose and it was bruised. She growled ready to attack me. "Not now babe. You can do that later" "I'm done with being patient" she walked over and slapped me in the face.

I couldn't help but chuckle. "Is that all you got?" She was gonna punch me but Toby pulled her off. "Don't let her get inside your head" she huffed glaring at me.

"Aww how sweet he's calming you down" I pouted. "Are you really asking for a beating?" "I hate you Toby. Look what you're doing to my family. I don't know why you're even doing this! You're the one that caused me to have a miscarriage. You were the one to take advantage of me! And you!" I looked at Amber. "You were the one that wanted to go to the god damn party! And now you have each other so what's the god damn problem our kid dead! Toby!"

He walked closer to me so our nose was touching. "I just want my revenge" he growled and pulled a knife out cutting my ankles loose and picked me up by my hair making me yelp.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER!" Jon screamed. "MUMMY!" Matthew cried out. He pushed me to the ground as Amber kicked me so hard I fell on to my back.

I heard screaming and crying echoing out. I slowly sat up and saw a boot coming my way. My head smacked the hard wooden floor blacking out instantly.

Dean POV

My heart stopped beating when her head smacked the floor. It echoed the whole house. She wasn't moving. Her nose was bleeding and a few cuts. I saw blood trailing out. Oh gosh please tell me she's not dead..

They dragged her limp body back on to the chair. I looked at her and held back my tears. Our own kids had to witness that as well. He was whispering something to his men.

The door burst open and more men walked in only this time with Jay, Audrey, Kelsey, Harry, Kylie, Rachel and Max. He had the whole family..

Jay and Harry looked at Katherine.. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SISTER?" Harry was thrashing around violently trying to get to him. Jay was too loss for words just staring at her.

"Get them all in the truck boys" I was grabbed by one as well we were all thrown into the back of the truck. Our wrists were still tied up. Everyone was here but Katherine.

Cecilia climbed into my lap crying her eyes out. I had her in the gap of my arms and tried my best soothing her with my thumbs massaging her scalp. "Daddy not gonna let anything happen to you" I kissed her forehead. Kylie was doing the same with Jay crying on to his lap.

"Where's Kelsey?" "The sick bastard has her with my sister!" Audrey was crying into his chest. "We need to make a plan up." "How?! There are men everywhere with guns."

"The kids and women are staying out of it. What do we say boys? Has anyone of you shot a gun before?" I smirked as Harry and Jay looked at each other. Max was sat there with his eyebrow up.

Katherine POV

Something bright was shining in my face. I groaned with a huge headache and a cramp in my neck. I slowly regained consciousness looking around. The room was like a moulded green and black. It was all ripped to pieces. Where the hell am I??

The door opened. "Ah I see you're awake" he grinned. I felt the warm liquid trickling down my face and the metallic taste of blood dripping down my nose into my mouth.

"Rot in hell you bastard!" I spat. He chuckled. "Now, Now don't use such foul language" he sighed looking at me like I'm some prostitute.

To be fair I am only in a pair of shorts and tank top. "You have such a great body. They have definitely developed over the years" his hand was on my thigh rubbing up and down slipping in between.

"GET OFF ME!" He just smirked as I tried moving back. "I see we're gonna have lots of fun" "You have Amber you pig!" "But she doesn't know the real reason why I'm doing this... it's because I want you"

"Too fucking late you know if you stepped up and helped played Daddy then maybe I would of reconsider dating you and everything would of worked out but I'm glad they didn't 'cause I'm not stuck with you" I scoffed sounding disgusted.

His eye twitched as he tried to hold back his anger. He punched me in the stomach I let out a gasp as tears threaten to fall. "Remember that pain. Only it was a kick." He chuckled as I was gasping out still choking on my own saliva.

I looked at him as my mouth was still a shape as an O after the punch. "Sweet dreams Kat. I'll see you tomorrow" with that he left slamming the door shut. I decided to let it out and burst into tears.

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