The End

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Katherine POV

"Happy 1st Birthday my beautiful babies" I whispered as they were sound asleep. It was gone 5 in the morning. My arms wrapped around myself sighing.

"Kat?" His voice was husky which was hot. He always sounded hot when he just woken up to be honest.

I turned around. He was by the doorway with his hair sticking up everywhere, he was only in his boxers and a white shirt. His eyes were half open.

I smiled and walked over hugging my Fiancé. He hugged me nuzzling his face into my neck.

"Just a year ago today these little beauties came into our life" I mumbled. "They're lucky to have a Mother like you" He mumbled against my neck.

I looked into his eyes smiling. "I love you so much Jonathan" "I love you too Katherine until the day I die." He brought his lips down on to mine.

It was interuppted when we heard a small giggle and turned our head to see Cecilia watching with a grin on her face. I giggled and went up to her picking her up. "Hello my gorgeous Birthday Girl" "MaMa, I 1" she put 1 finger up.

"Yes you are baby girl" I bounced her on my hip making her giggle out.

"My two beautiful girls that mean the world to me" Jon kissed mine and her cheek.

I took her downstairs leaving her brothers to sleep and put her on the couch turning the TV on. Jon came down and what it said on his shirt made me playfully roll my eyes as I walked passed him messing his hair up. "What it's true?" He smirked.

'I Make Adorable Babies'

But what made me smile was thinking back all the times Jon and I have had together and now we're here. Together as a family and soon to be Mr and Mrs Good.

I was too in thought when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me from behind. "I love you" he whispered kissing down my neck. "I love you too" I smiled closing my eyes enjoying this moment.


Cecilia POV

"Are you sure it's twins? It looks more like the whole city" Blake smirked. I swear to god I wanna murder him.

Dylan was working as he went out on playing roles in a TV Series and got a part. My boyfriend gonna be famous!!

So now I'm stuck here with Blake. Why not Matthew? Oh because he has a life and a girlfriend. Blake doesn't. I was on my phone calling up someone.

"Hello?" "Daddy can you look after me? Blake being a pain" I heard Blake gasp. "Fuck you" "Incest you little pig eww" "I'll be there in a bit" I heard him chuckle before hanging up. I grinned.

"Daddy girl" "I'm Daddy Queen bitch" "Really? You're gonna go there again" "I belive so Blondie"

Someone knocked at the door. I squealed and tried getting up. The word tried as I huffed in frustration making Blake burst out laughing. I finally managed to do it.

Fine he wants it like that. I waddled to the door and opened it. I was met by the embrace of my Father. Game time Blake. I burst into tears.

"Honey what's wrong?" "Blake called me fat and is laughing at how I look" "BLAKE ANDERSON GOOD HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT TO YOUR SISTER?!!" My Dad roared. I had to hold back my laugh.

"What?! No I didn't!!" "DON'T LIE TO ME BOY APOLOGISE!" I heard him growl. "Sorry!" "I'll go make you a nice Hot Chocolate" he kissed my forehead. "Thank you Daddy" I smiled.

As soon as he walked into the kitchen. I crossed my arms grinning at him. Blake was glaring at me if looks could kill I'll be buried 6ft in Hell.

"You little-" "Payback!" I smirked sitting down. He was gonna murder me I know it. I gasped putting my hand on my stomach. His face softened. "Lia are you okay?"

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