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Katherine POV

I woke up in my man arms. Right now all I'm thinking about is the comfort. But that didn't lasted long as one of the babies started crying.

I let out a big sigh and sat up but before I got up I was pulled back down. "I got it Princess" Jon kissed me getting up only in his boxers.

The doorbell echoed the apartment as I heard someone open it. "I WANNA SEE MY SISTA BITCH!" oh gawd that's AJ. The door flung open and Audrey and AJ jumped on me. I screamed. "GUYS REALLY!!" "WE'VE MISSED YOU!!" they both said

Jon, Seth and Roman walked in with Blake, Matthew and Cecilia. They both looked at me with a questioning look when they saw Jon holding Cecilia.

"I had triplets Jeez"

Audrey fainted.

Aj was frozen like a statue.

"Oh wow" I mumbled and pushed Aj wih my finger on her forehead and she fell just like that beside Audrey not moving a muscle. "They took it well!" Jon smirked.

"What about you two?" "I just fell in love how beautiful she is" Seth cooed. "Back off man she's a baby" "The fuck bro no!" "Guys don't make it awkward" I said not wanting to take it where I know it would be taken.

Roman was causally playing with a giggly Matthew. I smiled. I mean this is my family now plus the two dead girls on the floor and my twin brothers.

Blake was looking bluntly at Seth. That kid. Jeez.

Jon walked over giving me our Daughter. She was gorgeous. I smiled holding her in my arms. She's gonna be spoilt but I don't want her to be favoured and spoilt. Oh no that ain't happening.

"WATERMELONS!" Aj screamed sitting up.

We all looked at her crazy. She looked around and saw 3 babies. "Don't freeze again!" "Triplets!" "Yes!" "Jeepers on a creepers I'm an Auntie to triplets!!" She squealed and smacked Audrey knocking her back into her senses.

Audrey shot up. "Now that we're all ALIVE! we should catch up guys" I smiled. Jon smiled at me. As they all left I went through my wardrobe and tried finding a loose shirt with leggings.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around me making me freeze on spot holding my breath. "Katherine.." Jon whispered turning me around.

I slowly looked up at him. "Trust me" he smiled and kissed me on my forehead. He sat down. I felt uncomfortable. "Katherine think of the sex we've had. I've seen you naked love, loads of times."

I bit my lips blushing. I sighed and removed my top. He smiled as I looked down to see the stretch marks. My stomach still a little podgy.

I slipped on a baggy shirt and leggings. "I don't see what's wrong with it" "It's horrible to look at.." I mumbled. "Well I don't care and if you're that paranoid go find some cream that helps get rid of stretch marks and when you've fully recovered you can join the gym, it's not like you're gonna be like that for a long time"

Harry POV

"Come on bro. Guests are here" he smacked my ass making me yelp and jolt up. "Don't touch my precious booty!" I growled getting up. He smirked leaving the room. I rolled my eyes and followed.

That was until I saw Roman, Aj, Seth and... Audrey... she was all cuddly with Seth. I saw her made eye contact with me. She looked away. Jay patted my back. "It's time to move on" he quietly said.

Kat and Jon appeared as they all made small discussions laughing and smiling. Audrey had Blake on her lap and I just couldn't help but be attracted to that smile.

I looked at my sister and saw her eyeing us. Crap! She motioned me to follow. Better spill the truth. I closed the door behind us. She sat down Patting the space next to her.

I sat. Her legs were bent over leaning to side on the couch her elbow resting on the couch as she rested her head on the palm of her hand. "What's going on big bro?"

I was patting my thighs and looked at her. "I still love her and I made out with her at your baby shower. If Jay and Jon didn't catch us we could of banged each other there and then"

Her eyes widened. "Jon knew!!!"she growled. "And Harry are you serious? She has a boyfriend!" She hissed. "You don't think I know that!!" I growled. "Seth is a sweetheart. I understand she's your first love but we just have to get over them" "Says the one who had sex with Wade in a closet whilst you were dating Jon still" I coldly said. I struck a nerve.

"Katherine.." she got up. "I can't believe you said that!" She was gonna walk out but I quickly got up and grabbed her arm. "Katherine. Wait, Sis.. I didn't mean it" she yanked her arm away.
In the progress she tumbled and fell on her ass. Her mouth dropped open as she whimpered out in pain. "Katherine oh my god I'm sorry.. I'm-" "Just get Jon" she cried out. "Let me-"

"The stiches have been ripped, the blood trickling down.." Yeah.. when she gave birth she had a bit of a tear and had to get stiches. But falling must have ripped it open. Ouch..

"JON!" I yelled out. Few seconds later Jon runs in with Jay. "Hey, what happened?" He asked calmly lifting her up. "I think she might have ripped her stiches.." I said. He touched in between her thighs and saw a bit of blood on his finger. "You have princess. You need to see someone" he said and quickly walked out. "What the hell happened!?" Jay roared.

"I told her about Audrey she was saying how wrong it was to kiss her when she's with Seth but then I mentioned about her and Wade and.. I wanted to aplogise because I knew I went too far and grabbed her arm to stop her, when she yanked her arm away from me.. she fell.."

Jay sighed. "Harry! I'm sorry bro but you have to move on" he left me standing in the room on my own. Maybe so...

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