Baby Cakes

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Sexaul Chapter

Katherine POV

My chest was pressed up against Jon chest as we were sloppily making out, he didn't break the kiss as his hands trailed down to my shirt as he slowly unbuttoned them slipping it off me, He pushed me down on the bed I fell back propped up on my elbows as he only had a pair of Jeans on and his jacket and tank top. He pulled off my leggings. "Damn you're already wet Katherine" he was eyeing my body. "That's how crazy you drive me" I winked. I can see that small little smirk appearing in the corner of his mouth as he removed his leather jacket.

He took his tank top off and was undoing his belt and Jeans pulling the zipper down when William started crying. I groaned falling flat on the bed. Jon sighed doing his jeans back up.

That's the third time the baby ruined my moment with Jon, can I fuck my boyfriend in peace for once. About 15 minutes later Jon walked back in. "He's sound asleep now where was I?"

"Jon I-" he cut me off kissing me going in between my legs rubbing the frabic of his jeans against my underwear making me moan out loud, he was teasing. "I need you, oh Jon" I begged out. He was touching the wet spot sending shivers through my spine. His fingers slipped in pushing inside me making me gasp.

He kissed me as I bit down on his lips. "Jon" I threw my head back as he added an extra finger kissing down my neck. Again it was interrupted only this time it was a knock at the door.

I heard Jon growl, He was in power over me. I was annoyed more. He pulled his fingers out. "One sec" he jogged over answering the door.

A few minutes later he came back. "Right third time lucky?" This time he pulled them off kissing my inner thighs, feeling his warm breath made me hold my breath, I felt his warm tongue slip inside twirling my clit before slipping inside me deeper. "Ahh Jon!" I moaned pulling his shaggy hair.

William started crying again. "Fuck sake!!" I growled, Even Jon groaned. "I give up seriously" I said getting up. "How do you think I feel, I knew you were close. I almost had you" "Aww what a shame" I smirked but then I realised I was standing in front of him in only just my bra.

He left and walked back in a few minutes later. "Now I believe we need to get a bit heated in here." He pulled down his boxer and jeans in one go as I took my bra off.

He was eyeing my body. "Still can't believe that's mine." He looked up at me and smirked. With no rush he pulled me back into a kiss pushing me on the bed with him on top kissing me hungrily, I was being impatient and teasing slowly moving my hand down my body slowly slipping my own fingers inside me thrusting them quite fast.

Jon realised what I was doing and quickly pulled my hand out. "You are not aloud to do that not whilst you have me, that's my job only." He growled pinning my arms above my head. "Patients Babe" he smirked. I groaned.

I felt his hardness on my stomach. "Jon please!" I begged. "Someone desperate" he whispered. "Jon I swear to gawd if you keep te-" I stopped mid sentence gasping out as he put his whole length in me. "You were saying!" He smirked. "Your an ass" I groaned out "But yet you still love me" he chuckled pulling back out and pushing in again. My eyes were rolling to the back of my head as my throat became sore from moaning so damn loud as he picked up the pace. Jon knew I was close as my walls clenched on to his member making him thrust harder. "Let go Kat" he grunted as I released my juice moaning his name as he carried on pumping in before releasing his.

I laid there breathless, Jon was breathing heavily, he smiled and pecked my lips pulling out rolling beside me. My eyelids became heavier. William started crying. "Your son Jon" I heard him growl as I closed my eyes smiling.


I opened my eyes to be cuddling naked with Jon, His hands were resting on my boobs sorta grabbing them too and I can feel his friend poking my ass.

"Jonathan" I hissed. He was slowly moving before opening his eyes and realised what he was doing. "Meh they're comfy" he mumbled. "Were you dreaming about us having sex again?" "Maybe" he said with his eyes closed. "Typical Boy" I rolled my eyes.

There was a knock at the door again. "Jon!" He groaned. "Why me?" "Get up" I nudged him. He rolled his eyes and grabbed a pair of boxers.

He opened the door, I heard the voice of Wade? "I wanna see him" I saw Jon being pushed out the way and him storming in. I pulled the blanket higher on me.

He just stared at me before looking away. "Where's William?" "Asleep, why?" "I'm taking him" "he's only been here 2 days, Renee and I agreed to a week" Jon growled.

I rolled my eyes grabbing Jon shirt slipping it on and getting up getting in between them two.

"Woah guys" "Stay out of it Kat" Wade said not breaking the stare from Jon. "Excuse me? But he's neither of our kid, Jon the father, he has the right and if the Mother ok with it then it's fine. It's not your choice!"  

I saw Wade clench his jaw staring down at me. He walked closer getting in my face, Jon pulled me behind him, getting in his face. "Now why don't you leave my Hotel room and we'll call it a day for us"

He shoved Jon by the shoulders. "Woah, Woah Woah" I stepped back in the middle pushing Wade away only to be shoved down harshly on to the floor. I fell on my ass using my hands as support, My jaw was dropped in surprise. Jon didn't take that nicely.

He grabbed him by the shirt pushing him backwards out of the door and slammed it shut. I stood up. "You ok?" He asked approaching me. I nodded, he just sighed. I wrapped my arms around his neck hugging him. "If I can take a steel chair to my face, I think being shoved down isn't as bad"

He just chuckled. "You can take any pain and is not afraid to show it" "Another reason we became friends" "I'm glad we did because seeing you with another guy broke my heart, I wanted you.. only you Valley" "Well Good, you finally have me" "Yes Ma'am I sure do." He smirked.

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