Couple Shoot

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1 week later

Katherine POV

"See you tonight at RAW baby girl" "I will." I smiled and gave him a hug. "You're the best Roman" I picked up my luggages and made my way to the new hotel only this time. I'm with Wade. Guilt was running through me. Just breath.

I opened the door and closed it placing my bags down. "KATHERINE" I was picked up taking me off guard. I screamed it scared me. "WADE" I squealed laughing.

He smirked before pecking my lips. My smile dropped. "Katherine, what's wrong?" "I need to tell you something" "What is it?" "Please don't freak out or get mad it was a mistake. I feel so guilty. I love you ok" "Kat, you're scaring me" "Jon and I kissed."

He went quiet afterwards but was still staring at me. "Did you feel anything?"


"Of course not Wade. If I didn't feel guilty I wouldn't of told you, I guess it was because I missed you" "I would be lying if I said I'm ok with it but I'm not and you were honest. I respect that but he needs to stay away from you. The only time he's aloud is when its in the ring" "We're arguing so.." "Guess you had a rough 2 weeks?" I nodded in response. He hugged me. "You're here now with me" I smiled and looked at him.

He kissed me. "mmm guess what we gotta do?" "What?" "WWE want a photo shoot of the real life WWE couples. So that's Tyson & Natalya, Brie & Bryan, Nikki & John, Us" "Really?" "Yep, you don't mind right?" "Course not" I giggled.

Dean POV

We entered the arena. "Any matches?" Seth asked. "Nope, Just accompany Katherine match against Foxy" Roman said. I carried on walking on.

"Dean!" I turned around. Great Renee. I looked down and my eyes widened. "I know our baby growing fast isn't it" she giggled.

"Are you serious?" "Dean, I've showed you the pregnancy test, I've showed you the scans and now look. Yes it's true!" She put her hand on her stomach gasping.

"Are you...ok..." I put my hand on her back. "Yeah, I'm fine" she pushed me off and walked away. I grabbed her arm. "Renee" "What?" I kissed her cheek. "Look after our baby" I whispered in her ear and walked away.

Renee POV

That broke my heart going through this. This is the only way he talks to me. Someone grabbed my arm pulling me into a closet. "What the hell is this" Wade snapped poking it. "A cushion what do you think?"

"Are you nuts what's gonna happen when you hit 9 months and no baby gonna be there" "Shit, I didn't think of that. I'm gonna have to get myself pregnant!" "Good luck cuz he won't" "I have my ways"

Katherine POV

I was straightening my hair. I had a black push up short crop top with the vest over me and my shorts on with black combat boots. Roman walked in. "You all ready?" "Yeah" I stood up.

"Damn Kat looking hot" A small smile appeared on my face. "What's wrong Katherine?" "Just read the script" "What is it?" "I gotta get beaten and my on screen 'boyfriend' takes me to the first aid then there's a scene where it's lovey dovey and yeah" "Not that bad" "Get it over and done with I guess" I shrugged.

Renee POV

I was walking around in my heels looking for Dean instead I bumped into Katherine. "Katherine can you please tell Dean I'm looking for him it's urgent" "ok.." "Thank you" I hugged her but so my stomach doesn't touch her and walked off.

Dean POV

I was outside taking in some fresh air. My ex girlfriend pregnant and I'm in love with my best friend but she hates me. So much shit has gone on.

I walked back in. "Alright who's next?" I saw Wade and Kat. They were doing a photoshoot together. She looked happy. I saw the pics showing up on the laptop.

She looked up and saw me. I turned away walking back to the locker room.

Katherine POV

"I like them" "We need some more when your out your attire. That ok?" The photographer asked. "Not a problem" Wade smiled wrapping his arm around me. I smiled.

Seth came in. "Kat your match" "Gotta go" I pecked his lips following Seth. "Did you tell him?" I nodded. "How did he react?" "Calm just that I need to stay away" I shrugged.

Kat w/ The Shield vs Alicia Fox

I made my way down the stairs with them behind and flipped over the barricade. The boys stood behind. An arm went around me. I knew who it was I can't really react.

I slid in the ring coming face to face with Alicia Fox.

-skip match-

I kicked her in the guts when the lights when out something hard hit me across the head knocking me down. It came on, She picked me up and hit her finisher getting the win. I had my hand pressed above my eye where a bruise will probably be forming.

She celebrated up the ramp. Jon came over and helped me up, my legs were feeling like Jelly. "Let me see" he whispered. I removed my hand. He clenched his Jaw. "Let take you to the trainer room"

I was helped backstage and taken there. The cameraman was already there. It was quiet. Jon and I stood there not looking at each other. "How's the eye?" He broke the silence.

"Had worse" I mumbled. "Yeah..." "Renee looking for you" "What for?" "Don't know said it was urgent"

The crew came in. "Ok, Dean wait outside and Kat put the ice pack on your eye, ok ready and... Action!"

Jon walked in. "Kat, are you alright?" "I'm fine" "who did this?" "I didn't see it was dark" "I'm gonna kill whoever did this to my girl" he growled. "Dean, it's-" "IT'S NOT FINE KATHERINE" he screamed. My eyes widened. "Babe, I'm sorry I raised my voice" he placed his hands on my cheeks. "I love you so much" he said seriously staring into my eyes. He leaned down and kissed me.

"And cut."

He pulled away slowly and looked at me. "I mean it" he quietly said. He then walked away.


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