Terrible Trio

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4 years later

Katherine POV

"How dare you offended Mr Snugglepuff!" Cecilia screamed in her adorable high pitch voice. "He's ugly!" Blake stuck his tongue out. She pinched his tongue. "Don't stick your tongue out at me boy!"

Holy shit! I should be a good Mother and stop the argument but it was amusing. Cecilia was one sassy smart girl who had attitude. Matthew stood by my side holding my hand. Now he may have taken on my hair and eyes but boy did he have the same smirk as his father.

"Blake! Cecilia!" I finally decided to break it up. Cecilia huffed and turned around her hair flipping Blake in the face. I shook my head as Blake made a face probably some hair went into his mouth.

"Mama when's Daddy coming home?" "Soon." "Why does William have to come he ain't no brother to me!" "Blake!" Matthew gasped.

As on cue Jon walked in with William beside him. He ruffled his hair up as William ran up to me. "Kat" he hugged me. I smiled. I saw Blake glaring.

"Daddy" Cecilia squealed. She ran up to him, he lifted her up. "Hello Angel" she giggled. "Come to my room Will" Matthew smiled to him as they ran upstairs. "Why don't you join them Blake?" Jon asked.

"I'll rather play barbies with Lia" "Really!" She squealed and squirmed in Jon arms as he let her go. She grabbed Blake hand and dragged him to her room.

I shook my head. Poor Blake. Jon sighed. "We can't do anything Jon.." "I just don't see why Blake hates William" "Well they're both blondes..." "What does that have to with it?" I shrugged my shoulders giggling.

Someone was knocking on the door. I walked over and answered it.

I was tackled down. "BUTTHEADS! BUTTHEADS!!" I screamed in frustration. Harry, Jay and Jon! Burst out laughing as they helped me up I crossed my arms glaring at them.

"Now I see where Lia gets her attitude from" I gasped at that. "Excuse me Daddy!" We turned around and Lia was behind him with her arms crossed.

I held back my laugh. "Uh.." "Told you Daddy rude Lia" "Bad Daddy" she stormed off. "Lia honey Daddy sorry!" He ran after her.

"I told you she was evil!!" Jay said. "Already have the men chasing after her" Harry smirked. Blake came downstairs. "Uncle Harry!" He ran over to him. "Uncle Jay!" Mathew ran to Jay as William came to me.

I don't know it's creepy because Matthew like Jay the sweet, smart can have fun but lovely and Blake like Harry cocky, sweet mostly prefers to break the rules.

"How's Aiden and Kylie?" I asked Jay. Kylie is now 13 and Aiden is almost 5 but still 4. "Aiden alright and Kylie" he rolled his eyes. "Welcome to the teenage stage." I smirked.

"Harry?" "Hmm?" "You and Audrey? How's Kelsey?" Harry and Audrey have a daughter who's only 2 weeks old. "Peaceful actually. She doesn't cry as much as I thought your kids did" "I had 3 Harry. You're both lucky to not have twins or even triplets!"

"We know" they said in sync smirking. "Jon, me and the two idiots are going out for a bit. Be nice to the kids" I shouted up as Jay and Harry put Matthew and Blake down.

I was rubbing my stomach. "Please tell me you aren't pregnant?" Jay asked curiously. My eyes widened. "Oh hell no! 3 enough for me. And no just bad cramps" "Aww does my wittle sister want some belly rubs"

"You know I'm not afraid to take my tampon out and smack you with it" "Eww.. you nasty" "Keep it in.. Please!!!" "How about some chocolate?" "oooh yes!"

Dean POV

"Kids how about we go to the park?" They all jumped up agreeing. "Just once sec" I went into my mine and Kat room and placed the note down with a box of chocolate, a Hot water bottle and a box of tampon"

Yeah.. what Harry said was true. Every time Kat on she stops eating ice cream don't ask me why apparently she said eating ice cream makes your period worse by bleeding more and her hand is always on her lower stomach. And she was cranky earlier, she was very emotional.

Katherine POV

"Is this pretty?" I held a dress up to me. They both groaned. "Yes can we go now it's bad enough Audrey does this with me" I smiled and threw the dress at him going through more racks.

They mumbled to themselves as I walked around bumping into someone.


"Hello again" I held my breath until someone pushed me behind them. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in. Before Toby can say a word. Harry swung for him. Jay quickly pulled Harry off.

"YOU SICK BASTARD YOU RUINED MY SISTER CHILDHOOD I'M GONNA MURDER YOU!" Harry threatened as Jay pulled him out. He sorted himself out.

"I'm calm!" All I could do was hug him, he hugged me back. "He's not gonna hurt you again" and so that's what we thought...

Dean POV

The kids were playing in the park as I sat on the bench watching them.

Some kid pushed Cecilia. She got up looking down at her dress. "You big bully you got mud on my dress!" She stomped her foot. The kid pushed her again but William caught her. Blake and Matthew stood in front. "Leave my sister alone" both Matthew and Blake pushed the kid. The kid got up and ran off crying.

I facepalmed myself. They're gonna be troublemakers!

Katherine POV

I entered my house as the twins went home. I went to my room sighing until I saw something on my desk. I picked up the note

Hey Gorgeous me and the kids went to the park, I know you're feeling a bit emotional and is experiencing cramps at the moment so I left you some things on the desk hopefully it'll help. I don't want my baby in pain. Go and lay down once you finish reading this. I love you.

I smile. He does this every month and It still warms my heart. I took the hot water bottle and chocolate curling up in my bed going into a peaceful sleep with a smile on my face.

Baby BoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora