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Jayda's heart pumped in her chest and blood rushed through her veins. She kept her hand held in the air as the lights behind her dimmed.  Her lungs heaved as the curtain dropped and the applause carried backstage.  She stepped off of the stage and handed the microphone to a stagehand.  She had denied the third encore because she was anxious to get back to Hayden.  In California she had always taken him to shows, shoots, and recordings with her but the kingdom, formerly known as Nevada, was far stricter in the codes relating to the way slaves were treated.  She was required to leave Hayden in the 'human housing unit' at all times she wasn't 'using' him.  

The night before she hadn't been able to sleep worrying about him.

It was getting more to the point where she didn't need to sleep much anymore.  On her 18th birthday the necessity would vanish altogether. Her birthday was fast approaching; she would be in New York when she turned.  That would be when she had to make her final choice, she wasn't exactly sure how it would happen.  It was her assumption that it wouldn't be as simple as making a mental choice at midnight on her birthday.  She hadn't been told too  much about the choice that she had to make, which was strange considering how much it would define her future.

During the day everyone had kept telling her that all of the necessary help was provided.

She hadn't seen him since late the night before. 

She got into the limo and told the driver to get her back to the hotel fast.  She hurried up to her room only nodding as she passed the desk clerk.  Once in her room she picked up the telephone.

"Hello, this is Jayda Mayin, I would like my slave?"

"What for ma'am?"

"For, for p-pleasure," she stuttered out, it was awkward to say those sorts of things about him.  Sure, she could hug him, hold him, and call him hers; but they had never...done anything like that.  They probably wouldn't for a while.  She knew that it wasn't frowned upon, for a mistress to use her slave, but that wasn't what she wanted.  She cared about Hayden, she loved him.  Even though that form of intimacy was desired for those who loved each other, she didn't want it to be anything that could be considered a mistress and a slave.  She needed it to be something that she knew he wanted.

It didn't take long for the hotel service to knock on the door. Jayda quickly swung it open and froze.  She wanted to cry. Hayden entered the room.

"Do you need anything else Miss Mayin?"

She couldn't speak, she just shook her head.

"Ring us when you're finished and we'll come pick him up."

She shut the door. 

"What happened?" The tears were trickling down her cheeks, she couldn't stand seeing him this way.

"You know how people get second helpings of meals at the house?"

She nodded.

"Here, you don't," he calmly took her into his arms and held her as she started to shake.

He had been beaten.  He had a couple of cuts on his face and some bruises on his abdomen.  It was nothing compared to his last beating, Jayda took it harder than he had.  He could handle a beating, he had spent his life doing so.  He didn't think she had ever cared quite so much about someone, which made the first time even worse.

"It would be so much easier not to care."

"No!" Hayden pushed her off of him, still holding her at arm's distance.

"No.  I know where you're going with this.  Stop.  You can't say things like that to me, you can't scare me like that.  I cannot, I will not loose you to that ancient clan.  I know you Jayda, I know you care and I will not let you stop caring about me because it hurts every now and again.  I can't loose you like I've lost so much else."

"It hurts, Hayden!  It hurts to care, it hurts to see these things happen to you!  I can't live like this!"

"Jayda, I'm the one who's getting hit, I'm the one who's being beaten, it hurts.  But you want to know why I go through it all? For you, because I love you.  Because I want to be with you, Jayda, I endure all of that for you, and there are times when it really sucks, but Jayda, I've never once regretted loving you. Please! Please, don't say you regret loving me."

Jayda sniffed and tried to stop crying.  She didn't answer.

"P-please, Jayda, please.  Don't say you regret loving me."

She shook her head.

"I-I don't.  I-I love you."

He pulled her into his arms again and kissed the top of her head.

"I love you too."

"Hayden," her voice was muffled in his chest.


"What would you say if I asked to turn you?"

For DebraNash

Eternal Chaos (Sequel to Eternal Bondage)Where stories live. Discover now