Chapter 4 | Part 2

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I had only flown three times in my life. But being carried away by a running vampire, I felt as though we would lift off the ground and go soaring through the air. 

For a moment, it was almost blissful, but as with any happy moment it quickly came to an end as we reached the plantation. 

The sign above the front gate read "Iliad" like the ancient books of killing and death. That was all that awaited me in this place, and probably any other human that came; killing and death.

I didn't know why we had journeyed all this way, I was fully aware of the chamber the Mayins retained, and the abilities it contained.  I almost wished we had stayed there, as the odd requests of this man seemed to have no end.  I didn't want to find out what his plantation held. 

He dropped me on the ground as soon as we passed through the gate.  I landed with a groan, pushing myself back up with my chained hands.  Jayda and Tyler appeared on either side of me. I was glad to at least have two familiar faces. 

I shifted in my bonds nervously, wishing he would just get it over with, but as he led me to a stage set in the middle of a large clearing, I knew there would be no such thing as simplicity. 

He shoved me down so that I was sitting against a pole, my hands bound behind it. The position was extremely uncomfortable but I now relished the thought of a couple moments of peace, for meditation on the good, not the pain. 

"Would the two of you like to see the house while my overseers gather the little insects?"

With that the three walked away and I closed my eyes.  I sat for a moment before I heard a voice.

"What does a bloke do, his first day on a plantation, to wind up a blimin' spectacle?"

I opened my eyes to see a young man, probably a year or so younger than I squatting in front of me. I let out a nervous laugh.

"Well I suppose survivin' did me in."

"Whats your name."


"Hello Hayden, I'm Jack. And whatever you did, I wish you luck today. I'm guessin you don't know the master all too well."

I nodded.

"Just officially met the man yesterday."

Jack almost laughed when an overseer walked up to him and slapped him across the cheek. The hearty cheerful boy I had met disappeared in an instant. His eyes were downcast, his lips etched into a seemingly permanent line, his posture slumped, even the way he breathed was different as he hurried into the now approaching crowd.  Each person looked the same way he did, downcast without a sense of hope. 

I understood.  I had lived my life cursing the revolution for all that had been taken from me, but now I understood why it had happened.  I would have done it too. Never had I been so broken.  Not in my most abusive home, not last year when I was so hurt because of Jayda. Never had I been somewhere with no hope of ever getting out.  As I looked out amongst the faces, I saw the beatings that had occurred here, the discrimination that was suffered everyday at the hand of their master. I understood. 

Finally the audience had gathered. The overseers had almost whipped a man to death after he fell out of line.

They now stood, watching over each and every human standing in the clearing.

Some of the depressing faces looked up at me in pity, others in disgust from pulling them from work that could have earned them something.

And still others looked in sympathy.

They had been here. 

They knew what was going to happen to me.


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