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Jayda's eyes grew wide with realization, of course her mom would hate humans. She had every reason to, she had been one of the vampires who supported their enslavement, then they had tried to kill her, failing that enslaved her. Why should she support her daughters affections towards one of them? Especially the son of those who had hurt her so much?

"Can we just go home? We'll talk about this later."

The small group made it's way to the car Hayden and Maci had brought.

"We can take some of you back to California with us if you'd like."

"I think we'll all be okay on our own. It's been a long while since we've had a good run," one of the women spoke as the rest nodded in agreement.

"Thank you so much for getting us out of there."

Jayda nodded and walked to the drivers side of the car.

"Let me drive honey, you're exhausted."

"You remember how?"

"Oh course I do!" Her mom exclaimed, mocking insult.

"Okay okay, I really could use rest."


My arms have long since gone numb. They've been hanging over my head for hours. I can't see anything, the blindfold is preventing that. On the bright side it's helping my hearing, not that there's anything to hear.

Jayda's mother was furious with me. While I thought I was being heroic it turns out she believes that I was being disobedient. She promised me that I would be punished for my behavior and she certainly carried through. Three days in isolation and Jayda hadn't said a thing on my behalf.

So here I sit, arms chained above my head engulfed in a world of black. She had isolated me in a part of the house I had never been to before and the silence was slowly beginning to drive me mad. I've heard two sets of footsteps since I was restrained here. Grey's as he came and Grey's as he left. Otherwise I've been completely alone, Jayda is to occupied with her mothers homecoming.


Jayda was overjoyed. Her mother was finally home! She couldn't recall the years that had been spent without her, everything was a blur now that she was home.

The small family had sat and chatted for hours once arriving home before Tyler whisked his wife away for some much needed 'alone time.'

It wasn't until then that Hayden crossed Jayda's mind. Her mother had been furious, she had lost so much at the hands of the humans. Jayda understood, that was why she had said nothing when her mother was punishing him. Now that her parents were gone she turned her head towards the south end of the house.

It was where her parents had kept their torture chambers when they were a part of the ancient clan. Once they transferred this portion of the house was untouched unless there was a need to isolate someone as Mrs. Mayin had chosen to do with Hayden.

Jayda slowly made her way to this part of the house, quickly finding the room Hayden was contained in. She silently opened the door and slipped inside.

Hayden was hanging from his wrists on the far wall. His shirt was misplaced, exposing his muscular abdomen and his jeans hung loosely on his hips. Jayda was quickly overcome with bloodlust. Her eyes grew redder and redder the longer she stared.

She walked up to his limp figure and ran her hands along his sides, immediately bringing him back to consciousness.

"Who-whose there?" His fearful voice echoed through the empty room.

Jayda smirked at his evident discomfort. Even though he had spend his entire life as a salve it had become unnatural for him to be treated as such.

"Let's see if you can guess," she whispered in his ear.

"Please don't hurt me, please."

"Awe, but I wanted a bite."

"Please no," he whimpered.

"Fine then," she whispered as she ran her hands through his hair.

His breath grew ragged as he still could not tell who was touching him.

"Please I belong to mistress Jayda."

"I know," she answered.

"Then why are you doing this, did she- did she really give you permission?"

"Are you really so clueless that you think I need it?"

"P-please," he didn't finish his statement.

The beast within overtook Jayda's conscious and she began to lick his neck where a vein stuck out. Her gangs protruded and snuck into his skin. He cried out in pain and began to whimper.


Jayda withdrew and stared at the boy before her. The darkened color retreated from her eyes and she blinked to refocus them. Hayden came into view and she gasped.

"What have I done? Oh no what have I done?"

Eternal Chaos (Sequel to Eternal Bondage)Where stories live. Discover now