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"Hayden did you get the last suitcase?"

"I did."

"Okay, why don't you go wait in the bus, I'll be out in a minute."

He nodded and Jayda walked back into the house.  Both of her parents were in her father's office.

"Hey, we're leaving."

Her father came over to give her a hug and wish her luck.  Her mother hugged her after.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't come with you, I'm going to miss seeing you on stage."

"Dad'll have to set up the live stream for you.  I'm going to miss you guys."

"Can't wait for you to get home."

"Love you, see you soon."

After her parents returned the gesture Jayda left the house and got into the bus that she would be living on for the next three months.  Hayden had made himself comfortable on the couch and she went and sat next to him.  The bus began to move and she snuggled into his shoulder.  Hayden put his arms around her and closed his eyes.  He silently breathed in her scent and couldn't help but think of how happy he was.  Even after everything they had been through he was so relived that this was where they ended up.  Here, her in his arms, the one place he could call home.  It wasn't long before both were fast asleep.


When I wake up I'm alone.  It takes me a groggy minute before I realize that the bus is no longer moving.  I rub my eyes and shake my head trying to wake up.  I'm not sure where Jayda is, though as I begin to wake up I realize that she's probably getting ready.  Our first stop was close to home and I assume we're already there. I run my hands through my hair.  It's getting long, I should probably talk to Jayda about getting it cut.  

Like I thought she emerges from the bathroom a couple minutes later.  I smile and she does the same.

"Are you ready to go?"

"I guess," I answer and stand up.

She takes my hand and leads me off of the bus where she immediately drops it and I step behind her, keeping my head down.  A crowd of fans is waiting outside the hotel where we're going to be staying between her three concerts here. She waves to them and I make sure to stay relatively close to her without getting too close.  Last time I did people started to ask questions.  We have to be careful, it isn't right for her to care for a slave.  I'm her property, not worth her time.  At least that's what the world tells us.  I can't express how thankful I am that she doesn't believe them. 

We reach the doors and I hold it open for her to enter.  She waves over her shoulder and walks inside and to the check in desk.

"Hello Miss Mayin, welcome to the Victorian, is there anything you need before I show you to your room?"

"I don't think so."

"Please, follow me."

Jayda does so and I take the baggage cart from the bus driver and follow behind. The woman takes us to an elevator and enters a card key before pressing the button to take us to the top floor.  The elevator begins it's ascent and my stomach drops.  

I hate elevators.  

Once we reach the top floor the elevator lurches to a stop and my stomach flops.  Part of me wants to throw up.  Jayda exits and I follow.  I can see four doors off of the elevator.  It would seem that this floor only hosts the most extravagant guests.  The woman opens one of the doors and hands the key to Jayda.  I take the luggage cart into the room.

"If you'll just call downstairs once the slave is done unpacking your things I will send someone to collect him."

"Oh, no, he's mine.  He'll stay here with me."

"I'm afraid that's against policy ma'am.  If you want him for pleasure during the night we're more than happy to bring him here and take him back but he cannot stay in the room."

"Where will he stay then?"

"We have a human housing unit in the cellar.  He will receive food and a cot to sleep on and we have overseers there to keep watch.  He'll be kept in line I promise."

"I-I'd be more comfortable with him here."

"I'm sorry but that's just not possible.  Please ring us at the desk within the hour and we will collect him."

Eternal Chaos (Sequel to Eternal Bondage)Where stories live. Discover now