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In an attempt to clear her head Jayda ran.  It took her a matter of hours before she reached the wild lands where her plane had crashed a few weeks before.  The landscape was more familiar to her than she thought it would be, but a little too late did she realize that she knew nothing of the vamp concentration camp.  Maybe she needed Hayden more than she thought.  Scanning her eyes across the vast landscape she realized that there would likely be information within the colony, so as her eyes began to turn black she ran once again.  Moments later she was inside the building where she had been held captive not long before, poking her head into each door until she fianlly found what seemed to be a record room.  She began pulling books from shelves, glancing nervously over her shoulder, assuming that everyone was sleeping she turned her entire focus to the books at hand.  All were histories of the past ten years of the colony, every day documented, but not what Jayda was looking for.

"Filthy thief."

A voice behind Jayda startled her, the cocking of a gun merely angered the young vampire.  She slammed the man who was threatening her against the wall, pressing her forarm against his throat.  She forced the gun out of the his hand and the air out of his lungs.

"Where is the camp?"

Gathering all of his stregnth the man spat in Jayda's face, disgusted, she raked her fingernails down the man's face, creating four bloody lines on his left cheek, paying no heed to the screams of pain escaping the man's lips.

"Where is the camp?"

"Four miles east!" The man gasped.  Jayda released the man, grabbing his shoulders and biting into his neck.  The cry of pain was the was the last thing to escape his lips before all of the blood was drained from him.  Leaving the body slumped against the wall Jayda ran from the room.

This was it,  This was her destiny.  She would get her mother back.

Eternal Chaos (Sequel to Eternal Bondage)Where stories live. Discover now