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That was all that filled the small cabin in the northeast corner of the free colonies.  A crowd of women had gathered around the two others, standing two feet away from each other, seemingly paralyzed.  It was Jayda who took the first step forward, encasing her mother in a long anticipated embrace.  Tears began to fall from Jayda’s clear blue eyes. 

“Mom, I came to get you out of here.”

“But I can’t leave, they’ll know that I’m gone.”

“And do what about it?  Mom we’re so much stronger than they are, there’s no way they would come after us.”

“They wouldn’t need to." 

“What do you mean they wouldn’t?”

“The chip.”

“What chip?”

Katrine Mayin went white.  All she could think about were the metal walls of the surgery room, waking up with a cold feeling in her chest, the laughter of the man in the room as he caught sight of her terror.  Everything about that horrible night had haunted Katrine since its occurrence.  Her voice being lost to her, another woman spoke in her stead. 

“When we first arrived here they implanted locator chips into our chests.  They told us that these chips have a self destruct sequence, if we go to far, that’s the end of it.”

“Do you know that this is true?”

“Only one man ever tried to escape, and he never came back.”


“Jeffery O’Dare.”


“Why would Jayda do something so foolish?”

“She’s being overtaken by the ancient clan.”

“What do you know about all of this clan difference Macy?”

“Quite a lot actually.  My mother was very interested in it and she was a good friend with Katrine Mayin years ago.  Mrs. Mayin answered all of her questions, she was more than happy to talk about her heritage.”

“We have a long drive.  Care explaining it to me?”

“Well the basics are simple, there was once only one type of vampire, the one that horror movies told the tales of.  Humans are only their food, nothing more.  They’re like demons, only out for self-provision and survival.  These are the cold, heartless, dead beings that vampires were once known as; this was even after the takeover of the world.  But soon after there was a emerging of a new leader, he believed that humans were more than just a food source, rather a secondary breed, one that could grow and mature into a vampire should the primary breed see fit, he was a different sort of creation you see.  He was the first vampire human cross, bitten by two vampires as an infant made him very different than the others; he knew no human life before.  He never died.  He created the newer clan, the one that both of Jayda’s parents belong to.  He realized that vampires didn’t have to be dead, if they chose the light early enough.  Luckily Katrine and Tyler were both very young at this time, so was Jayda, and they chose the way of the light, rather than the way of the dark.  Jayda is now at the point where she must make her decision.  That’s why she has continuous mood swings; sometimes the dark takes over, like during your last fight with her, other times the light is in control.  She hasn’t decided which one should have dominion.”

“So they’re not like humans then? Everything depends on which clan they’re in?”

“Pretty much.”

“So which one will Jayda choose?”

“I always thought the light, but honestly; I don’t know anymore.”


Eternal Chaos (Sequel to Eternal Bondage)Where stories live. Discover now