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What have I done...What have I done?  Even if he doesn't find out it was me who bit him...he'll still hate me for letting that happen to him. Oh god what have I done.

These same thoughts had been running through Jayda's mind for hours on end.  Her mother had just left to 'speak' with Hayden about his misbehavior.  He would be back soon and unless Jayda could convince her mother that humans weren't all bad she didn't know what she would do.

She only knew that she couldn't go on without him. 

Convincing her mother that Hayden was anything other than the stereotypical human would not be easy, especially given his ancestry.  Jayda couldn't help but worry at what the future held for she and her protector.  

Though it may already be over. She had invaded his personal being in only a way that a master would.  She had taken dominance over him even when he pleaded with her not to. 

How could she tell him that?

But how could she go on if she didn't tell him.  She didn't hide anything from him, she couldn't live a lie.  She couldn't go on with him believing that she was anything less than the monster that she knew she was.  As she now approached the end of her aging the beast inside was taking over more and more.  

Most people have heard the lore of 'fledgling vampires' or in simpler terms vampires who cannot control their beast because they do not know how.  The reasoning is because the beast was only recently created.  It does not take long for a vampire to learn to control this beast, only a matter of years, but in that time it can do much damage to the life the vampire once knew, and any humans it comes across.

Now it is important to distinguish between a fledgling and one of the ancient clan, those of the ancient choose to allow the beast dominance.  A fledgling does not yet understand.

Jayda had known for years that this would come, that her beast would grow to its full strength and exercise its power over her.  She knew this when her father first bought her Hayden, they both knew the boy would more than likely be a beast buffet when the time came.  Jadya knew she had made a mistake in making him anything more than a slave.


I'm starving.  I can't seem to focus my mind on a single thought.  So when the door opens it really doesn't register in my mind that I'm no longer alone.  It is not until I hear a voice that I realize.

"So slave, have you learned your lesson?"

It's her, Jayda's mother, the one who put me here.

I try desperately to tell her yes, I try to say something but my voice fails me.  It all comes out as a desperate croak.  She laughs at this.

"Your kind is worthless boy, worthless, unlovable, stupid, and useless for anything more than a meal."

I try to protest, Jayda loves me.  Doesn't she?

"Your kind tortured me.  Me! A royal vampire of the Alohere bloodline.  They dared to treat me as though I was weak.  They dared to inprision me as though I was weak."  She approached me as she spoke, I could hear the clicks of her shoes on the stone floor move closer to me.  Her small hands wrapped around my neck.

"Do you think I'm weak?"

I tried to breathe, I tried to swallow but her hands restricted it.  She laughed again at the desperate noises that I made.

"I'll take that as a no."

I was grateful when she released me, but I should have known that it wasn't over.  I felt a hand make contact with my jaw. My skin burned where she had hit me.  She pulled the blindfold off of my eyes and I blinked, trying to adjust to the dim lighting of the room.  She took my chin into her hand and forced me to look into her eyes.

"You boy are nothing more than a slave.  You are a lesser being not even worthy of being in the presence of a vampire.  You are privileged to be here.  You have no will, you have no desires.  You are here to serve and do as desired."

"Yes mistress."  I heard my voice.  I didn't say the words but they came out of my mouth.

"What are you?"

"I am a lowly slave." No! Jayda cares about me!

"I am a lesser being that is not worthy of being in the presence of a vampire.   I am privileged to be here." I don't believe that! Jayda has told me differently so many time, why would I say it now?

"I have no will and no desires.  I serve and do as desired."

"Good slave."

"I am a good slave."

Eternal Chaos (Sequel to Eternal Bondage)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu