Chapter 3 | Part 1

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"I'll go get some food ok?"

I looked across at Jayda as she nodded. I stood, my hand lingering with hers before I pulled it away to leave the room. Nearly three hours had passed since we had sat in the study, every minute edging me closer to my demise. I walked into the kitchen to hear the doctor and Mr. O'Dare in the dining room enjoying their dinner. I cursed my bad timing, I would have to walk through to retrieve silverware. I grabbed two pates of food and set them on a tray along with two drinks before I timidly opened the swinging door connecting the two rooms. The men went silent as I entered.

"Tyler, I really am parched. Would you mind?"

"Oh I suppose but try to have restraint Jeffery. I'm sure my daughter will still want something out of him tonight."

My throat closed as I realized what they were referring to. My knees buckled as Mr. O'Dare called me over. I tried to run out of the room, every fiber of my body wanting out, yet my feet carried me to where he was waiting. He forced me to my knees and time seemed to stop as he grabbed my hair that had begun to grow longer again and pulled my head away from my shoulder. The next thing I knew was pain as his razor sharp fangs tore through my flesh. Then exhaustion as blood was drained from my body. What seemed an eternity later, he pulled back, letting me drop to the floor next to him, unable to move.


Maci had just been bringing drinks when she watched Hayden crash to the floor. She set the drinks down and her master put his hand on her arm.

"Help him."

He said, a tone of asking encouraging her to do what he had said. She moved over to Hayden, but couldn't stand to look at him. It was his fault that her sister was gone. It was his fault that she was lonely, it was his fault that she suffered in silence. Why should she help him? Finally she looked down, and what she saw was not the monster that she had created him to be in her minds eye, but a suffering human.

She realized in sympathy that it could have been anyone in his place, it probably would have been her had he not entered the room before she did. She put her hand on his chest and moved it to his side to help him stand, slowly the two made their way out of the room. When they reached the kitchen Hayden began to feel some strength returning, he stood and looked at Maci.

"Thank you so much."

He hugged her small figure, and for the first time in ages, Maci let someone in, and hugged him back. He began to cough, weak from lack of blood.

"Can you take this to Jayda's room? I won't be able to."

She nodded.

"I'll just grab some silverware."

She began to walk to the door when he stopped her with a hand to her arm, holding out the sets in his hand, a smile on his face. She laughed and headed to the stairs.


I sat in the kitchen waiting for Maci to return, my neck ached where it had been pierced, the pain of a bite was worse than I remembered it. When Maci came back I had all but collapsed on the kitchen floor.

"We need to hurry, Jayda's worried that I took the food up instead of you."

Jayda, how could I explain this to her? She was worried enough about what would happen tomorrow, this would only make it much worse than it needed to be. I put my arm around Maci's shoulder leaning on her for support as we walked up the stairs.

"Just eat, make sure you get lots of protein, fortunately the meat isn't cooked all too thoroughly so it should help. You'll be healthy again by tomorrow afternoon."

"Thanks Maci. But by tomorrow afternoon, trust me, I'll be far from well."

"Why do you think that."

She asked as we took another step.

"Gettin' a beating from Master O'Dare."

"For what? He's hardly been here long enough to be that thoroughly offended by someone. Much less you."

"A past offense, but I'll be fine. Thanks again for all your help."

I smiled weakly before we entered Jayda's room. She stood from the bed and helped me over to sit down.

"Thank you Maci."

She smiled kindly at her old friend, who returned the expression and left the room, she then turned to me.

"What happened?"


Jayda sat back down on the bed in front of Hayden. She looking him up and down trying to find the cause for his ailment, when her eyes reached the bite marks on his neck.

"Who bit you?"

Concern flooded her voice and tears glistened in her eyes. He watched as for a moment the deep blue was overtakedn by a dark black.  Her anger was causing her eyes to change, why he had no clue. Nothing like that had ever happened around him before, and of course, he knew nothing of vampires.

"Just Master O'Dare. It's nothing."

"How dare he? As if he hasn't done enough to you already, and even plans more!"

"Jay, have you ever been bitten?"


"Then trust me, it's nothing. I just need to eat. I'll be fine."

He lied. He could still feel the dull pounding in his head, the marks on his neck burning from where his body had rejected the small bit of venom that had slipped from Mr. O'Dare's grasp.

She pulled him into a hug.

"Then eat."

The two ate in silence, both thinking of what would come the next morning. By the time they finished, the sun had set and they had grown tired, Hayden put the plates on the tray and began to pick it up before Jayda grabbed his hand.

"You don't have to leave."

"If I'm not in my room when Master O'Dare comes looking tomorrow he'll suspect something."

"Then we'll get up and be there before he does."

Hayden sat back down and kissed her head. They had both changed into comfortable clothes earlier, so they crawled under the covers of her large bed. He took her into his arms, and she hugged him close, kissing him once before falling asleep, leaving him to ponder his inescapable destruction.

Eternal Chaos (Sequel to Eternal Bondage)Where stories live. Discover now