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I had never been so angry with someone in all of my life. I thought she actually cared about me! Clearly I was wrong.  I sat on my bed, face red with fury when she walked in.  Not Jayda if that's who you were thinking, she was the last person I wanted to see right now. It was Macy who came into my room, a much more welcome sight.

"Hayden you have to stop her.  She's making a huge mistake."

"Why should I care Macy? She's obviously over me."

"No Hayden, she's not. But even if you don't believe me, your parents and everyone here are in danger. I think you're the only one who can talk some sense into her."

I looked down, what had she done? Biting my lip I knew what I had to do.

"How can I get north?"

"I'll drive you."


Jayda's eyes flicked over the scene before her. Three guards patrolled the gate. A glance at the time told her that their shift would likely change soon. Quietly, she snuck forward, placing one foot slowly before the other. As she has anticipated the guards left their post just a moment too early, leaving their gate unguarded for just long enough.  Years of inactivity had dulled their senses. Jayda climbed stealthily over the wall, dropping onto the hard dirt on then other side.  She was disgusted by the sight before her, these rats were treating the vampires like slaves. Jayda was infuriated, vampires were the better species. The human scat were nothing compared to the power of a vampire. Dark eyes scanning the scene before her, Jayda spotted the building that would likely hold the records.  She was only interested in finding her mother, no one else mattered. The door had been left unlocked, the minds of these men really believed they were safe. Shuffling through the records took Jayda about 10 minutes, she finally found what she was looking for.  Her mother was kept in the farthest cabin on the right. The records suggested that this cabin had been the most compliant, and had earned the privilege of limited restraints. With a scowl on her face Jayda poked her head out the cabin door, no one was there so she pushed herself into the shadows and made her way down the row of cabins.  As she reached the last cabin she took a deep breath in.  The door was locked, sighting an open window she scaled the side of the wall, climbing through the opening and dropping to the floor.

"Who are you?"

"Why are you here?"

"What do you want?"

Questions from the females in the room flooded Jayda's mind, she shut her eyes listening for the one question she cared about.


She opened her eyes as they began to fill with tears, there she was.  Jayda's mother stood a few feet away, frail and thin, hair a mess and black circles under her eyes, yet she was still a beautiful woman. 

"Mom, it's me, Jayda."

Eternal Chaos (Sequel to Eternal Bondage)Where stories live. Discover now