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Jayda paced back and forth over the grey carpet of her bedroom. It had only been a week, she didn't know how she would survive another. She turned around and paced the other direction.

What if he's hurt?

She turned back and paced back the way she had come.

What if Jeffrey did something to him?

Half way across the room she stopped, the wind blew through the open window, bringing an unwelcome sound to her ears.

Days before she had tuned her telepathy to hear Hayden, she knew that Jeffrey started working him in the fields but she hadn't sensed pain until that moment. Before she could think she was running in the direction of O'dare's plantation.

She quickly arrived to witness a human overseer kick a downed Hayden a second time. She placed herself between the two, hissing at the man,

"Your master does not own him."

The middle aged man scoffed at a younger man standing next to him.

"Perhaps you were right. He is just a Mistress' little pet."

"Take me to O'dare."


"Jayda. What a lovely surprise."

"Mr. O'dare, I came because I want Hayden back at the house."

"He still has a week of recovery time."

"I don't care."

Jeffrey stood from his chair and advanced towards Jayda, she backed up a step, running into the wall. He placed his hands on the walls next to her head, standing at least six inches above her, looking down into her eyes he said,

"Don't care for them Jayda. It makes life so much easier."

"Life?" She spat. "You and all of the ancient do not live. You are dead. Now I am taking my property."

She ducked under his arm, disappearing from the room leaving Jeffrey to stare disapprovingly at the wall below him.


It was an odd sensation, awaking to comfort instead of pain. I opened my eyes to find Jayda sitting next to me on her bed.

"What did you...?"

"You home for good, and I've healed your wounds."

I gently grabbed her head and pulled her into a kiss, tangling my fingers in her long black hair. Only a week had passed, but it felt like an eternity without her.

"I'm so sorry you had to spend so long in such a horrible place."

"Horrible vampires, not a horrible place."

"What do you mean? The humans there are horrid, they want to start a revolution Hayden."

I gritted my teeth as I replied.

"Did you ever think perhaps they aren't wrong? Jayda we could do it, if we helped them we could-"

"Hayden!" She interrupted "I can't believe you would even suggest such a thing. That is absolutely out of the question."

My jaw tightened as I stood from the bed.

"As you command. Mistress.

I turned and stalked out of the room leaving her cold black stare to look after me.


Eternal Chaos (Sequel to Eternal Bondage)Where stories live. Discover now