Chapter 5 | Part 2

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Hayden ground his teeth together as he heard Mr. O'dare's footsteps across the stage. His breath was already strained and ragged, he unintentionally held it in anticipation.

Soon it was released in a groan of pain as the lash cut through his back.

The pain was worse than he remembered.

He continued to silently exhale until finally the pain was so intense that he cried out. Jayda cringed and bit her tongue at the look of satisfaction on Jeffreys face. She sat as stiff as a stone as he continued, each of Hayden's cries of pain another smash of the hammer against her heart.

Instead she tried to concentrate on the people before her, but their grimaces didn't help. Her darkening eyes continued to scan the crowd, trying to find something to focus on other than the cries that could kill her. 

A flash caught her attention.

How had the press found them?

She turned her gaze back to Jeffrey. Her hands were squeezed into fists as she saw him taking a knife to her protector.

A tear reached her eye, but she held it back. She had to be strong, for him.

After Hayden had been soaked with freezing water three times, Jeffrey was finally satisfied. He gestured for a slave to remove the boy.

"Take him to the quarters. He'll recover there."

Jayda squeezed her fists tighter. She should have anticipated this.

Of course he would was the most suffering possible.

She calmed her breathing unclenching her hands, blood running down her fingertips where her nails had pierced her skin. Jeffrey turned back to his audience.

"I suggest you do as you're told. Dismissed."

He smiled back at the Mayins.

"Thank you Tyler, I believe that will do nicely. Now I hate to be a bad host, but I have a meeting to attend. How about you collect the boy in about two weeks?"

Tyler nodded and the man in front of him disappeared. As soon as he was gone Jayda broke down. Tears graced her cheeks.

"I have to see him."

Her father nodded and she ran off in the direction Hayden had been carried away. She only had to wait around 20 minutes for the woman who had treated his wounds to leave. As soon as she exited the room, Jayda took her place at Hayden's bedside.

His eyes were clenched shut, trying to deal with the pain he was in. She took his hand into hers and held his knuckles against her cheek. He looked up at her.


He smiled.

She breathed in raggedly, tears running down her face, her voice caught in her throat as she began to sob.

"Hey, hey. Shhhshhshh."

He reassured her, painfully running his hands through her hair.

"I'm okay. It wasn't that bad."

She looked up at him, wiping the tears from her eyes, smiling at his attempt toward a joke.

"I'm so sorry. I have to go."

"Go, I'll see you soon.

He said weakly.

She glanced around, making sure there was no one in the room, then leaned down, kissing him with all her might in one of the most passionate kisses either had experienced.

She stood back up holding his head in her hand as she looked into his eyes.

One more tear slipped from hers landing on his wrist.

Quickly a small black teardrop formed there. She had only cried everlasting tears once; when she was told her mother was dead.

Now she left him, with a glance and  a mark to think of her. Her eyes flicked around the room, reaffirming that there was nobody around.

Little did she knew how wrong she was.

Eternal Chaos (Sequel to Eternal Bondage)Where stories live. Discover now