Chapter 4 | Part 1

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Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.

Lao Tzu

Hayden woke with a heavy heart, he got out of the bed trying not to wake Jayda, but as his hand was about to turn the nob he heard her beautiful voice.


She had sat up in the bed and he went to sit next to her, pulling her into his arms he gave her a hug of reassurance, though it truly was him that needed it. He bent down to kiss her before saying,

"I have to go." 

She nodded and watched with tears in her eyes as he left the room. 

She got up and showered, getting ready and going to breakfast with Hayden on her mind, trying to think of something, anything she could do to take this fate from him.  She went to breakfast, and found her father and Mr. O'Dare already waiting, she couldn't bring herself to go into the room so she instead went to the kitchen to find Maci.

"Hello Jayda, what are you doing in here?"

"I came to find you. With Hayden out I'll need someone to keep me company, and I just thought maybe," She stopped, afraid to ask.

"I would love to."

She stepped forward to give Jayda a hug.

"I've missed you Jay."

A little surprised at first, Jayda returned her friend's hug before leaving the room with a smile on her lips. See walked into the dining room and sat by her father, as far away from O'Dare as she could sit without making it weird. 

"We have a wonderful torture chamber Jeffrey, would you like to use it?"

"Actually Tyler, and this was part of the reason I came in the first place, there has been more talk of an uprising at my new plantation. I thought it may help to have a spectacle from the last one, I hoped you would help me find those who escaped, but now it'll work perfectly well if you'll allow me to carry it out at my plantation."

Jayda's fork scraped against here plate as she realized that he wanted to abuse Hayden in public. As if it couldn't get worse.  But she realized with this Mr. O'Dare might give up on his parents and the colony, so she laughed.

"Of course, so long as you don't kill him."

The man smiled at her. He wanted the boy dead, but he couldn't take his life, he could come close, and intended to.  

The three finished breakfast and Tyler called for Hayden to be brought up.  

Grey went to get him and returned with Hayden, hands bound, in tow. He handed the boy to Jeffery, jaw set hard as he had given the boy a hug only moments ago. 

Hayden had become loved in the household, and all of the slaves were saddened at what had come for him. 

O'Dare hoisted him up and disappeared in a flash, Tyler and Jayda following close behind until they reached his plantation.

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