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"If you asked to what?"

"If I asked to change you.  Make you not so human anymore."

"C-can you do that?"

"Y-yes? It's a relatively simple process on my part."

"I mean legally, Jayda I'm your slave, I'm a human, and legally you're not allowed to change that."

"I-," Jayda pursed her lips together, knowing that Hayden was probably right.

"I don't care."

"You have to care."

"Why?  Why do I have to let the royal's stupid rules and their silly beliefs dictate my life?  Why should I be afraid to say that I love you?"

"Because they rule this world, Jayda, and we keep our heads down and follow them."

"What if I don't?"

"Speaking from experience, it doesn't end well for you."

"Hayden, I-I don't want to be scared of them."

"But you should be, please Jayda, you don't understand.  They would kill me, I'm expendable, and Jayda I would die to be with you, but you're a member of their society.  More than that you're a member of a royal family. You're an outstanding member of society.  They would do everything they could to return you to that.  And by everything I mean more than I've ever endured.  Not just physically, they would say it's a problem with your brain, that it's a problem with your hormones and your emotions.  They would blame it on science then use that as an excuse to use you for a living experiment.  I couldn't see that happen to you.  I would turn over in my shallow grave at the thought of what they were doing to you.  Please, please, be afraid of them Jayda."

"H-how do you know these things?"

"I've seen it happen.  I had a master, he loved a slave," Hayden shook his head.

Jayda wrapped her arms around his waist.

"I can't loose you, but I can't keep living like this."

"There's nothing you can do."

"That's not true, you said it yourself, I'm a member of a royal family, I just need to find out which one and I can work, I can work so hard to change the way that things are. "

"That's too much for you to do alone."

"I won't be alone.  I know that you're going to be right there with me no matter what."

"You're right," Hayden spoke into her hair.

"I'm never going to give up on us. I don't care what I have to do, I am not going to be a slave to my own bloodline, and so help me neither are you."

Eternal Chaos (Sequel to Eternal Bondage)Where stories live. Discover now