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I'm trapped inside my own body.

My arms and legs are moving but I'm not telling them to do so, if anything I'm telling them to stop.

I can't see my surroundings, my eyes are glued to the ground and I can't seem to make the rise.  I'm following a pair of feet but I don't know whose they are.  They could be Jayda or the could be her mother, I'm not sure.  The only word that the mysterious person had uttered was "Come. "

Fear coursed through my body, the last thing I wanted to do was follow someone I didn't know, much less trust.

Of course my personal feelings don't matter.  I am just a slave,a piece of property, meat for my mistress to feed on, a worthless human put on this planet to serve the higher beings.

That's what the new voice in my head tells me as I fear for my well being.

I've never heard this voice before, it almost sounds like me but there's something else there.  Something I can't quite put my finger on, something making it oddly believable.

I don't know what's happened to me, I was always complaisant as a slave but not since Jayda told me she loved me.  Not since my life changed for the better.

Now it looks like its changing back.

I'm only hoping that the person I'm following down the stairs is Jayda-


That voice is always correcting my thinking.  I can only hope that it is mistress, she still seems to care for me, hopefully in the same way as before.  She told me the truth about the biting, I wanted to cry when she told me that.  I wanted to scream and yell at her for doing that to me, I think that's what she wanted too; for me to be mad so that we could move on but the voice in my head started to speak for me.  It seems to be the only thing that does the talking any more.

The shoes stop and I see white tile floors, the kitched.  My knees buckle and I drop to the ground. I reach my hands out to catch myself but my wrists collapse as soon as my wight is on them.  I fall into a bow with my head on the floor.

I'm relieved that the voice does not begin to speak, maybe it only knows as much as I do.

"Look at him! He doesn't do that!  What did you do?!" I hear Jayda-


Mistress' voice.  Her mother answers.

"I already told you dear, I fixed him."

"He wasn't broken!"

"Yes he was! You let him break."

"No, I let him be a person.  I didn't treat him like an animal because he's not."

"Yes dear he is, I'm rather disapointed in your father, he let you leave your classes to follow a career, it seems to me you failed to receive some very important information."

"That would be?"

"Jayda they are biologically inferior, just as the animals are to them.  And what did they do to the animals before we were known to them?  They made them pets, they used the for whatever they were good for and they beat them when they didn't comply.  We're only doing the same to a biologially inferior being."

"No, you're wrong."

"Am I?"

"It's not the same. "

"Pray tell."

"They think, they feel, biologically inferior beings such as animals do not. And you know what else mother?  They do not come from animals but we come from them.  We are dead decaying versions of them."

"No Jayda, the zombies are dead decaying versions of the humans, we are a superior race."

"No, we are not the original, we are the cursed the damned and the forsaken, we may be stronger and more powerful but that is thanks to the devil below, it is dark and it is evil and I wish I had no part in any of it.  He is an innocent creature that you have likely corrupted, now tell me what have you done to him?"

"I have taught him his place."

"I want you to unteach him."

"That's not possible."


"The persuasion cannot be undone, you should know this, you have the same ability."

Eternal Chaos (Sequel to Eternal Bondage)Where stories live. Discover now