Chapter Four

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                My eyes fluttered open as they had done at some point during the darkness sometime before, but this time I was looking around in a shaded room. I had no recollection of the room, at first I thought that maybe I had been kidnapped but kidnappers don’t leave you in nice rooms, do they? Then, I had the faintest idea that maybe I was in a hospital, but hospitals don’t look so… boyish and they have hardly any decoration like the room I was in. So, my ideas were quickly running out, but I did figure out that I was in a room that belonged to a guy (or a very tomboyish girl) in a house that I’d obviously never been in before.

                I sat up a little and looked around, surveying the general area. I saw that the owner of the room was a VERY big fan of football and baseball with a poster that looked like it was signed by all the players of the Yankees, which was very cool. Then, there was an electric and acoustic guitar in the corner of the room with two piles of notebooks next to them. And, there were shelves filled with tons of different CD’s and another full of DVD’s and Bluray’s. There were also two bookshelves, a desk, a flat screen TV and Bluray and DVD system.

                But, I didn’t understand how I got there… then it hit me and I felt a tear slide down my cheeks from everything. My parents were dead, gone, killed, murdered and I was the only survivor. Maybe I was in the killer’s household? But, wouldn’t they have just killed me right there and then? And, it would have been better, right? I lay down and let the tears freely escape my eyes whilst I buried my head in the pillow. Stupid, stupid me- I should’ve been the one to die.

                “You’re awake,” I heard a familiar male’s voice ask and I turned around, wiping the tears from my eyes to make the blurry figure become a fixated figure of Mr Stone. He smiled sadly at me before closing the door and walking over to me.

                “Wh-where am I?” I stuttered in a whisper. He sat on the edge of the bed, looking at me for a moment.

                “You’re in my house- well, my parents’ house,” he informed me, “we… we found you in your house um…”

                I started crying again and buried my head in my hands. A few moments later, arms were wrapped around me and I was pulled into a very warm body. He stroked my hair muttering little things to make me feel better, I don’t know how long we were like that for, but it didn’t seem to bother me much in the slightest.

                “You can take a bath if you want,” Mr Stone told me, breaking the contact a little but not too much once I’d ran out of tears. I nodded and half an hour later, I was dressed in Mr Stone’s clothes- which was a little weird, but comfy- whilst heading downstairs. No one was around, but when I checked the time it read one fifty, which meant everyone was either out or at school. I wondered why Mr Stone hadn’t bothered to go to school. I climbed onto a stool around the breakfast bar and leaned my head into my hands. “Do you want some food?”

                I shook my head.

                “You should eat, you’ve been out since you arrived home from school,” he informed me. I shook my head again; I didn’t want to eat because it made me feel sick. He sighed and then we remained silent for a while whilst I pondered in my empty thoughts and stared into space. The sound of a door opening made me look in that direction and I watched as a beautiful woman came walking in with a bag of groceries. She smiled when she saw me, placing the bag in front of Mr Stone.

Don't Cry Wolf (Student/ Teacher) [The Forbidden Series: Book 2] (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now