Chapter Twenty-Seven RE-WRITE [Epilogue]

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Chapter Twenty-Seven Re-Write

                “I can do this,” I muttered, nodding my head as my heart beat fast in my chest. I took a few deep breaths before the door before me opened to the ballroom. Damon stood at the top of the stairs in a beautiful red military-style suit, looking handsome as always, with a huge smile on his face. I smiled at him and put my hand on his arm, between his elbow and his wrist, when he held it out to me before I gazed around the room before us. We were announced and the whole crowd turned towards us, showing that they knew who we were and that we were important to them.

                “Come on,” Damon whispered into my ears in an affectionate-looking way before he led the descent down the stairs, one step at a time. We had practiced this moment for a long time, we knew the dances off by heart and we were one. As we left the last step, my eyes landed on the king and queen at the end of the ballroom, sat upon the thrones that had been placed there. They were smiling and I couldn’t help the smile that rose on my face as we walked towards the middle of the ‘dance’ floor. My eyes took in the rest of the room with chairs placed against the walls and a few tables there too; there were people everywhere, well, creatures in their human form- a few I did recognise, but I couldn’t understand where I’d seen their faces before.

                Still, there were no signs of Lily or any of my friends from Banes Grove. I couldn’t come to terms of why they weren’t there, but I didn’t ponder on it because we were in the middle of the dance floor, about to start the waltz. I looked into Damon’s eyes and he smiled down at me, looking straight back into my own with that reassuring glance that he always gives me. The music kicked in and we began to move as one, perfectly, with him taking the lead. I started counting at first, but then I forgot about numbers and just wanted to remember the moment. Soon, many others began to join in and we were all dancing together around the room until the piece was over.

                “You look beautiful tonight,” Damon complimented, leaning down to my ear whilst he whispered it to me, “many are jealous here tonight.”

                I giggled slightly. “You must be lucky then.”

                He looked at me, our faces closer than before. He breathed, “I’m the luckiest man alive.”

                “And, I’m the luckiest girl alive,” I replied as another song began and we continued to dance together.

                “In two days time, I will become your king,” he informed me, “and, you my queen. And, we’ll be here, together forever.”

                I stopped dancing with only Damon noticing; everyone else continued to dance around us.

                “Two days?” I asked, seriously confused.

                “Yeah, that’s when we get crowned,” he chuckled, “why?”

                “T-Two days?” I stuttered. No, I swore it was only yesterday when I spoke to the queen about everything and sorted everything out between us. Had I lost my memory? Or, was I seriously just hallucinating? I looked at Damon, who was frowning slightly, but then he smirked.

                “You’re cute when you’re confused,” I looked at him for a few moments before everything around me came back and I found myself looking around the huge ballroom where everyone was staring at us. I took a few steps back before running out of the ballroom as fast as I could whilst running up the stairs. I heard running and shouting, my name coming clear to me, “Elizabeth! Elizabeth!”

Don't Cry Wolf (Student/ Teacher) [The Forbidden Series: Book 2] (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now