Chapter Twenty-Four

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Another upload. I got to write it in half an hour. It's short but it saves you moaning ;] jkjk. anyway. Enjoy!

Chapter Twenty-Four: The Letter

                I lay on the floor for three days straight whilst eating a little bit of what looked healthy from the plate of things they chucked into and then the rats ate the left. To be honest, I was wondering whether I had been zapped into another time or something because I would rather be sat in a jail with murderers than a dungeon as cold as this. I knew my name had got a bad reputation over the few days of being here and I reckoned I was one of the most well-known and hated werewolves in all time. The ball had continued on throughout the time I had entered the dungeon until the early hours of the morning and I only fell asleep when the whole place was silent.

                I was surprised I got a hearing from the king in the court with judges, but that wouldn’t be for another four months and I knew I’d probably end up dying or something before then of starvation and hypothermia. Let me say that Rome isn’t exactly a warm place at night and I reckoned they put the air conditioning on in the dungeon for extra effect. I wondered what Damon would say if I ever saw him again, in fact, he’d probably cast me off for being a silly bitch and find someone else, but, then again, mates wouldn’t do that, would they? Mates don’t reject each other, it was unheard of.

                But, Carl had told me that he’d been rejected by his mate before she killed herself. Apparently, she was a human though and she didn’t really like the idea of living in a world of vampires, I guess I wouldn’t either. On the second day, Carl had appeared by my side whilst I lay staring at the ceiling and he gave me a sympathetic look before handing me some sort of chocolate that was actually pretty nice. He told me he got it from Belgium a few hours before and returned with it, since vampires could go anywhere they wanted to.

                I hadn’t seen him since then and I reckoned they were keeping good watch on me in case I escaped or something. I suppose they were just waiting for me to go insane, but I was never one to really go insane and I had been stuck in a cellar for a whole night once when I was at one of my old houses due to my parents locking the door when I was getting something. I reckoned they were just completely ignoring me, stupid idiots.

                But, I’m the stupid idiot. I’m the one who was too cowardly to admit that I thought I was the princess, surely they would need some proof though? And, I’d be kind of scared that the queen just shifted and bit my head off before shouting ‘you lying bitch!’. To be honest, I’m surprised she didn’t do that anyway after I never told her where her ‘daughter’ was. I guess I just feared for the pack’s safety and I didn’t want to put them in a bad name.

                Over a few days, Carl began to come in late at night and he’d bring me all sorts of random foods like pizza and stuff and I’d eat what I could, then he’d disappear with the evidence when it was all gone or when someone was coming to check on me. I really wouldn’t want to be a guard in the dungeon because it seemed so boring, especially since I wasn’t doing anything exciting. A few days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months and I still remained in the cell.      I was going crazy, I knew that. I got this habit of killing any rat that came in the place, I also had a habit of randomly practising dancing and singing until I got told to shut up. I mustn’t have been that good a singer then.

                It was soon to become the hearing, but I didn’t want to go. The hearing decided whether I should be executed or not for lying, but surely they couldn’t execute a seventeen girl, right? No, that was right, they couldn’t!

                I don’t know the exact date, but I remember Carl had come with some food. It was night time and I had come up with this plan throughout the day that would allow me to escape. I had to get away from there as quick as possible, right? And, they wouldn’t harm me if they didn’t find me, right? Plus, if I get back to the pack, I knew I’d be in safe hands.

                “S’up,” he nodded quietly.

                “I have a plan,” I informed him. He raised his eyebrows causing me to smile a little, “I’m getting away from here.”

                “You are kidding, right?” he choked.

                I shook my head and whispered, “I need a notepad and pen.”

                “Great way to escape,” he snorted. I glared at him and then he shrugged, disappearing from my sight. Sometimes I wished I was a vampire because disappearing like he did was pretty cool, but I reckon he was just fast as lightning rather than disappearing. When he returned, he had a notepad and pen in hand. So, I wrote a letter.

To the King,

I’ve been stuck here for a long time. I don’t know how long ‘long’ is, but it is definitely long and I miss my mate and my pack a lot. So, I have left this note for you to tell you that my name is Elizabeth. I was born on January 28th 1994 and I have no living family that I know of. When I was sixteen, my parents were killed by a pack of wolves in the village of Sunnyside. You will find me there.

                The pack that took me in is run by my mate’s family and they will tell you that they do not have your daughter, but they do. I am your daughter. I have found out a lot about Elithabetha whilst being here, the colour of her fur should either be pure white or gold.

                My fur is gold.

                I believe that you did the right thing locking me away in the dungeon, but I also believe that things have to really change around the kingdom. If I am her, like I believe, then you should also believe that too.



                I ripped the sheet and folded it up, writing ‘The King’ on it before placing it in front of the door. I then looked at Carl, “I’m ready to go.”

                “You sure?” he asked, “you could do with a shower.”

                “I’ll have one when I get to a hostel,” I informed him, rolling my eyes. He nodded and took hold of my hand before everything before my eyes became a blur and I was stood outside a hostel that was labelled ‘YMCA Vanderbuilt New York’. After a quick hug, Carl and I went our separate ways. I was one step further to being home and I couldn’t wait.

First, I had to sleep.

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 I think it's coming to the end soon, though I'm thinking maybe not. I'll be writing another sequel, but it's about the love between Lily and Jack because I think their story needs to be told.

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