Chapter Twelve: I'd Take a Bullet For You

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                The next day, I found myself sat in Damon’s classroom once again whilst he taught the class. The problem was that I couldn’t keep my eyes off him and he kept smirking every time he caught me and every time I tried to look way, I just couldn’t. He was so captivating and he was so beautiful to look at, even for a guy. It was nice to feel safe and secure, even though it was with being in love with my teacher. It was unfair that I couldn’t even be fully with him in public since he could get fired or something. Why did I have to be the unlucky one with the teacher as a mate? Okay, I guess it wasn’t that unlucky considering it was Damon, but it would’ve been better if he had a different job.

                “Okay, so for the rest of the semester, you will all be doing an assignment,” Damon announced and the majority of us groaned, though I knew I could somehow bribe him to help me. Even if it is illegal. “No moaning, this counts as a sixth of your grade so you need to do your best, especially if you’re going to college. Many jobs also like to look for other subjects you’ve done too, so you shouldn’t be in this classroom if you don’t want to succeed.” I rolled my eyes. “I am not helping anyone out.” His eyes flickered to me before he looked around the rest of the class. “This will require you writing a creative piece and then you have to do a commentary of that piece too. You have to write two thousand words, so unless you want to write a long song, I’m sure you could think of something a little more creative. I’m going to be reading these, so I like to read ones that stand out. No vulgar language, please, unless it fits in with text.

                “It can be fiction or none fiction, travel writing, poetry, a newspaper article and so on. Your commentary is a thousand words long too, so please take your time with this. I expect to see rough drafts from you all. I want to see a rough draft by next Friday too, but that’s only of your actual creative writing piece. Do you understand?”

                The majority of the class nodded. Someone’s hand shot up a few rows in front and Damon nodded to them to answer. “So, could I do an article on the area?”

                “You mean like history and geography?” Damon answered. The girl nodded and Damon smiled at her. “Yes, you can do that, but you need to incorporate it in English terms. So, you could write to persuade people to come to the area, or to inform people what the area is about. Do you understand?”

                Most people in the class got the gist of what was happening and, soon after, Damon had us all begin to plan our ideas. I wrote down a few idea, but I ended up putting a line through half of them because I didn’t think they were that good. Two ideas that still lingered were ‘family: what it means and the importance’ and ‘forbidden love’, though the forbidden love would be used more as a story rather than an article. Might be a little too suspicious, you know?

                The bell rang and I was sad to know that I had to leave the class.

                “Let’s go,” Kyle said with a grin. He was obviously glad the lesson was over, but I wasn’t. I liked staying around him and it hurt not being able to see him often enough throughout school. I nodded and packed my stuff away before following him out of the classroom. Of course, I didn’t forget to make eye contact with Damon and exchange smiles with him before I left. I wasn’t that mean.

                By the time it was lunch, I was missing Damon a lot, but I didn’t let it get me down. I didn’t exactly want to seem depressed, did I? No! I was debating whether to go to his classroom, but then I had second thoughts and decided to just go straight to the cafeteria with the others.

Don't Cry Wolf (Student/ Teacher) [The Forbidden Series: Book 2] (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now