Twenty-Six: Meeting the King (In Damon's P.O.V.)

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It's nearly over :[ well, until the second book! There is a sequel to this book called 'Crying Wolf' about Damon and Elizabeth as... find out then ;]

:[ <--- vampire!


Meeting the King.


                The air in Rome was a lot hotter and humid than it was back in Banes Grove and I was pretty use to the hot weather too. And, Rome was a lot more beautiful, but I definitely preferred Banes Grove because of the forests around and the hidden beauties that lie there. I could think of so many comparisons between both places, but I knew that, if Elizabeth was the direct descendant of the royal werewolf family, I’d have to move with her too. I would have it no other way, even if it meant being locked in the dungeon whilst she was around.

                For the past few days, I had been nervous about whether she would choose her real family over me, but then I’d think about what if she didn’t have to choose. What if she could have us both. But, I don’t want to leave Banes Grove and my pack to be a ruler of billions of non-humans. I wanted to just live a normal life, be a normal alpha and have a normal relationship, marriage, with Elizabeth. I guess we could have that.

                I was jetlagged from the plane journey, but we weren’t allowed to stop off at a hotel to sleep because we were told, by Carl (the guy I had come so fond to hating), that we had to go straight to the palace. I knew his reasons were clear though- he just didn’t want to get killed. I suppose I’d be in the same position, though I was quite glad I wasn’t in debt to the king or queen like he was… if he was.

                Elizabeth slipped her beautiful, soft hand into my own as we sat anxiously in the back of a cab on the way to some place I’d never heard of. Apparently, we had to get out of the cab and walk to the palace because it was so secretive. By what Elizabeth had described, it was more like a grand house than a palace, but whatever suits Carl, I guess. I smiled down at her and she radiated a smile back up at me before leaning her head against my shoulder. Carl sat to her left looking tense and anxious whilst another guy who met us at the airport sat in the passenger seat at the front of the airport, looking quite relaxed for the moment. I didn’t know how I was feeling, but I knew I was tense by the shock I got from Elizabeth jabbing a finger into my stomach. I heard a small giggle escape from her mouth and then I chuckled, shaking my head.

                “I hope you two aren’t doing naughty things back there,” the cab driver spoke with laughter in his Italian accent.

                Elizabeth laughed and shook her head; I just grinned. When we were dropped off at the bottom of a road, we all climbed out of the car and Carl paid the driver. The four of us walked up the hill with our baggage before coming to some gates at the end. I could tell Elizabeth didn’t want to walk up the drive. I was about to offer a piggy back before I felt the air getting sucked out of me, then I stood a little dizzily on the front porch of a huge house.

                “What was that?” I questioned.

                “Transportation,” Carl answered with a smirk.

                Elizabeth coughed dramatically. “I hate you for that, Carl.”

                The fourth guy knocked on the front door and took two steps back.

                “Sorry, just wanted to get here quicker,” Carl told us.

                A woman opened the front door, stood wide eyed for a moment before she ushered the four of us in. The door was closed behind us instantly and we walked hastily down a few hallways until we stopped outside a huge door. The women knocked on the door, waited a few moments for the ‘come in’ and then she walked into the room, waving her arm for us to follow behind.

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