Chapter Twenty: Alone.

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(Picture of Brighton at the side!!)

Twenty: Alone.

                When I had woken up the next day, I left the pack in Kiana because I didn’t want to put them into anymore danger. I doubted anyone really noticed me leave, but it wasn’t like I was well known around the town anyway. Kia cried on my shoulder before I left in my wolf form and headed back to my car, hoping I had been long enough to lead Damon away. My car was happily still parked there and I drove all the way to New York where I sold my car and hopped on a plane towards England to find out about the pack my dad apparently belonged to, even though I believed him not to even be a werewolf.  It was kind of weird going on a plane at the age of sixteen, but apparently it was the legal age to go alone and so I did.

                The flight lasted about fourteen hours or so and we touched down in London Heathrow before I decided to spend a night in a hotel just outside the hotel. I had to admit it was pure luxury, but it wasn’t so comfortable without Damon there. I sort of was regretting my decision to come to another country and I cried myself slowly to sleep. The hotel was busy the next day, but I had no time to stay for the lovely English breakfast that was available and, instead, decided to check out, pay, and then leave as quick as possible by a taxi.

                I remember my dad lived in a place near London, or so he had told me. You have no idea how hard it is to go off a piece of information like that. In fact, you probably would do. I found out after internet surfing that my dad owned a business for dealing with debt and he lived in a town called Brighton near the sea and that it was apparently quite nice. Apparently, I hadn’t actually seen it at that point. I decided to stick about in London for a few days whilst I shopped around and bought Damon a couple of tee’s and some jewellery for Lily and Maria. Searching for something for Kyle was the hardest, but I found another t-shirt that made me giggle and got that. I’ll tell you about that soon.

                Getting on a train at London was something I had never experienced before as it was the craziest thing in the world. I’d never been a train, mind you. I’d been on buses and subways, but never trains. Even in New York I never went on a train, which was a little weird. But, I got on a train anyway and it took my all the way to Brighton, even though I almost got off an earlier stop thinking it had gone way too far. But, when it arrived at Brighton, I knew I was safe enough to step into the crowds of onboard passengers and make my way into the town with my big bag. At least it was a good job I had bought a backpack rather than a suitcase, huh?

                Brighton was nice and I breathed in fresh air as soon as I stepped off the train. I mean, I wanted to head to the beach, but the sky was grey and I knew that England wasn’t exactly brilliant for its weather. I rolled my eyes at this and decided to find a place to stay. To be honest, the hotels looked shabby and didn’t exactly scream ‘luxury’, but I did end up finding a small B’n’B that the owner let me stay in and settled into the room before making my way out onto the streets again.

                I purchased an umbrella from the shop and headed on down to the sea front where I expected the beach to be packed, but it was pretty much dead with a few stragglers walking up and down, but the majority of them obviously knew it was going to rain, so they hurried back and forth trying to get to where they were going. One thing I had noticed about the British seaside was that it wasn’t exactly… white beaches and crystal blue sea. It was more dirty beaches and dirty blue sea. I wondered what they did to make God give them crappy beaches.

                This thought stuck on my mind for a while, but as quick as it was there, the quicker it was gone. I had no intention on what I wanted to do on that day, but then something caught my eye and my whole body went numb.


                It was a block of offices that looked like they were still open, so I decided to go and see. I never thought it would be that easy and whether it was a trap or not, I wasn’t going to pass the opportunity to see what was actually inside. The front entrance looked shabby and could probably do with a make-over, but it wasn’t that bad. I knew then that he had been lying to me about moving around for business, which made me think of how I would’ve handled this had they still been alive.

                And, whether I would’ve ever travelled this far either.

                A receptionist was on the front desk and she was kind of… old looking with glasses that rested at the tip of her nose and, what looked like, horrible dress sense. She had just finished on the phone, placing it back down before she typed a few things and looked up at me.

                “Yes, child?” she spoke.

                I moved to her desk. “Is uh… is Peter Nighy here please?”

                “Mr Nighy isn’t available right now,” she told me, “are you lost?”

                I shook my head. “I’m his… niece. My aunt sent me here and told me to wait for him until he got back.”

                “He’s been gone for years, child,” she told me and the phone rang once again, “surely, your aunt knows that.”

                “We’re American,” I shrugged. She put a finger up to me and then answered the phone. She turned around to look into the cabinet, so I snuck passed her and went straight up the stairs. I heard her say something about kids these days but I didn’t stay to see whether she had noticed I’d gone up the stairs, obviously.

                It turned out my father’s office would’ve been on the top floor and it was dusty, but not empty. To get to his office without showing anyone I was doing just that, I did random army rolls until I got into it and locked the door. To be honest, a debt business was never something I had pinned my father down to doing, but I guess I couldn’t exactly pin him down as anything since we were always moving around. I shuffled through papers and draws, but I didn’t find anything. A few random photos of him and mum here and there… but nothing spectacular.

                But, then I came across a locked draw with the words ‘CONFIDENTIAL’ across it. I couldn’t find the key anywhere, but, after I while, I managed to pick the lock using a random hairclip that I found on the floor. I didn’t even want to know who that belonged to. Then, it opened and revealed envelopes and papers all addressed to him.

                I read the first letter, then the second letter and I kept reading them and I found out way too much for my own liking. They were all about me. I wasn’t their daughter, no. I wasn’t related to them at all. I was stolen, a baby that was given to them to look after on the run. That was why they left Brighton.

                I was a stolen baby.

                I was thee Elithabetha- Princess of Werewolves.

                I was her and there was no doubt about it.

                Kidnapped by a man known as Jean Lucifer and given to my parents to say that I had to be taken away because then the werewolf kingdom would be destroyed forever and war would break out between them. I slumped on the floor before collecting all the papers together and hiding them into the day bag I’d bought from the airport.

                Then, I snuck out as fast as possible and passed the receptionist who wasn’t paying attention and I ran all the way to the B’n’B before hiding in my bed and wishing I hadn’t left Damon for this stupid and selfish task. But, I wasn’t giving up. I had to keep going and I had to go to the very kingdom of which I was born in. Alone.

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