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I would like to express my best gratitude to all readers who support my story this far. You are amazing for bearing with all this mess I created. I am so sorry; I cannot mention every one of you here. Anyhow, I hope you all will follow the next messy journey on the second book that will go under the title "EVER".

Thanks to these people who have made covers and posters for this book:

Special THANKS:

First of all to:

My best friend (Aulia) who has always been there to read and support my stories in any way possible and probably will always be the best friend for life.

Madeline -a friend from the other side of the world, knowing her has been one of the best things happens in my internet life. She introduced me to wattpad and has motivated me in some ways. She has awesome works on wattpad too, check them out. MaddiMellark

TV Shows writers, I watch many and they inspire me in a lot ways to the never ending extend.

Second, thanks to few favorite readers of mine:

blissful_infinity She is the best. She has been a great friend too. Her feedbacks are very thoughtful and awesome; I can't even. Her opinions are matters a lot and get me thinking. She is also an awesome writer. So please my dears, read and support her works. You know you'll love her writing.

@AShhXlEYY she's super cool. I love the fact that she told me what she thought directly after she read the first half of the story, in a long ramblings. To be honest her opinions got me re-thinking. Her comments are entertaining too.

@ArvinaR She is really awesome. She is a very loyal and supportive reader who reads and loves my works. I like all of her comments which are nice. She encourages me to write more.

Again, THANKS to any of you who may read this and show supports in many ways. Your votes, comments, critiques, feedback have been a great help to me.

Ps. I will be editing this book and probably will do a few changes. I give notification on each chapter when I do. If you are really into it, you can re-read in your spare time.

Pss. Stay tune for one chapter left about the sequel preview.

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