Chapter 1

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~Alfred's point of view~

"Oh shit oh shit oh shit!!!" The American cursed. "I can't believe I'm late!! First day of college too!!!"

Alfred ran to the closest bus stop near his house bumping into someone by accident.

"Hey you bloody wanker!" The man called.

"Huh?" Alfred turned around to see a man with emerald green eyes and thick bushy eyebrows.
"Dude! Your eyebrows are huge!" He laughed.

"S..stupid wanker!" The green eyes man cussed.

"Hey are you a British dude?" Alfred asked.

"Well yes I am. I'm only in this repulsive country for school." He huffed.

"Oh," Alfred looked shocked. "Well I'm Alfred what's your name dude?" He smiled.

"Arthur. Arthur Kirkland." He said proudly.

"A..Arthur?" Alfred stuttered. "Did you live here when you were younger by any chance?" He asked slowly.

"I don't know. I've lost memories from when I was younger." Arthur responded as he looked to his watch. "Bloody hell now I'm really late for class. I'll see you later Alfred it was nice meeting you." Arthur bowed.

"Yea nice meeting you too dude." Alfred mumbled back as the British man ran off.

Alfred pulled out his phone and called his brother in a daze.

"Hey Matt." Alfred started.

"Yeah Al?" His brother responded.

"That boy. The one we met when we were younger his name was Arthur right?" He asked.

"Yeah I remember him. He never noticed me but he had bright green eyes and really thick eyebrows." Matt laughed.

"Hey thanks man I've gotta go now." Alfred smiled.

"Sure thing bro see you later." Matt said before ending the call.

Alfred was sure this was Arthur from so long ago. Now he just had to find him.

Finding you (book one)Where stories live. Discover now