Chapter 14

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After eating all the pancakes Alfred turned on the TV and began to play some game with Peter. *Cough cough Mario cart* After dying multiple times *cough cough Peter pushed him off of rainbow road* Allistor started complaining on why a 19 year old can't beat a 12 year old and how he would show Peter up. Once he also failed Dylan, Conner, Erin, and Arthur all tried and no one could beat Peter. Matthew just stood up in the fort gave everyone a look like seriously and said, "Stand back idiots the Canadian is about to show you all up." In other words he pushed Peter off the track before Peter could push him off. After fighting over the game Arthur just stood up and unplugged it causing Peter and Alfred to wine.

"Peter no pouting. Alfred you are bloody 19 years old stop acting like your 5!!" He lectured.

"Ok." They both said sadly.

"Hey let's watch movies then." Matthew smiled.

"Yea yea yea!!" Alfred jumped up and down.

"Sure what can we watch?" Erin laughed.

"We have all the Disney movies incase you don't want Peter to see anything bad." Matthew suggested.

"Sure what could the harm be?" Conner asked.

"Woo!! Movies!!!" Alfred cheered.

"Movies!!!" Peter laughed with him.

Alfred jumped onto the pillows on the floor so he would be next to Arthur and Peter sat on Alfred's back. Everyone else just laughed at the crazy pair attempting to annoy poor Arthur.

"Peter can you stand for a second?" Arthur asked.

"Uh sure?" He looked to him with wonder.

"Perfect." The Brit smiled menacing like and sat on Alfred's back.

"W..what Artie!! No!!" Alfred pouted.

As everyone else erupted into laughter Arthur laid down on the American resting his head on Alfred's shoulder. After all he was much smaller than the American which let him fit perfectly.

"Me too!! I wanna play too!" Peter laughed as he climbed on Arthur and laid on his back.

"Sure no one cares about the dying American down here." Alfred mumbled.

Everyone just continued to laugh not even bothering to help poor Alfred. Matthew got up and began putting in the first movie one of Alfred's favorites. Frozen. Allistor groaned and Dylan began laughing as the movie started.

"Mattie Mattie!! Let's do the thing!!" Alfred cheered.

"Not now Al there are people." Matthew blushed.

"Please!!!" Alfred begged.

"What thing?" Conner asked.

"True come on Matthew do it how bad could it be?" Erin grinned.

"Only if we could have a hockey match later." Matthew said.

"Done!" Alfred cheered.

*one horribly sang (mainly on Alfred's part) frozen movie later*

"That was so adorable." Erin laughed.

"I'm sorry for your brother." Allistor looked to Matthew.

"Oh trust me he does this for every Disney movie he likes." Matthew sighed.

"It was pretty funny." Conner smiled.

"Bloody git." Arthur whispered into Alfred's ear nipping it a little.

"Hey Peter get off Arthur for a second?" Alfred smiled.

"G..git what are you doing?" Arthur panicked as Peter got off.

"This!" Alfred yelled and stood up causing Arthur to cling to his back for dear life.

"Bloody git!!" Arthur yelled as laugher sang through the house.

"What's wrong Artie? I'm I too tall for you?" Alfred laughed.

"P..put me down!!" Arthur yelled.

Alfred grabbed Arthur's legs and held him up on his back grinning.

"Hey Mattie what time is it again?" Alfred asked.

"Around 9 at night why?" Matthew questioned.

"Perfect! Let's go Artie!" Alfred ran out to the back yard.

"Oh god he's going to jump into the pool!" Matthew panicked.

"Arthur can't swim!!" Allistor yelled and began running after Alfred.

"Well Alfred is getting beat." Dylan sighed.

"Serves him right." Matthew laughed.

"Your not worried?" Erin asked.

"Nope Alfred can't take care of him self trust me." He smiled.

A loud splash followed by quite a few curses from more than likely Arthur rang through the house. Next laughter and then a very girly scream. Allistor came back completely dry with a pissed of look on his face.

"Scottie what happened?" Dylan asked.

"That arse is snogging with my brother." He said quietly with red tinting his face.

(Back with Arthur & Alfred)

Arthur wrapped is arms tightly around the American deepening the kiss. Arthur's legs wrapped around Alfred's waist trying to keep balance. Alfred held the smaller man by his waist running his free hand along his sides. Soft quiet moans escaped the smaller man as they battled for dominance.

"Git." Arthur breathed as they stopped kissing for air.

"Yes I'm your git." Alfred smiled and began kissing him again.

Alfred walked out the pool still holding on to Arthur both soaking wet.

"Anyone else coming out for a swim?" Alfred called into the house with a grin.

Dylan looked to his brothers and shrugged. "Why not?" He laughed and pulled off his shirt. 

"Hey Matthew you have shorts we can borrow?"  Conner asked.

"Yea give me a second and I think we still have some of our old cloths for Peter." He smiled.

Within a few minutes Peter came out running in Alfred's old captan America shirt and jeans with a huge smile on his face. Dylan and Conner borrowed some of Alfred's shorts. Erin was wearing Matthew's old shirt and shorts. Allistor borrowed Matthew's shorts and walked over still a little red from before.

"Come on let's play!" Alfred yelled and pulled off his shirt.

"Going." Matthew laughed and did the same.

Arthur couldn't help but stare as Alfred dived into the water and played with Peter. Suddenly he swam over to the edge of the pool where Arthur was and pulled him self up.

"Liking the view?" Alfred whispered into Arthur's ear.

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