Chapter 24

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The pair walked out to meet up with Matthew in the living room.

"Well you two took some time." Matthew smirked.

"No we didn't do anything." Alfred pouted.

"But it seems like you wanted to." Matthew laughed.

Once Alfred processed what he just said to Matthew his face went red.

"W..well I mean... It's just.. I..uh." Alfred stuttered.

Matthew just sat on the couch laughing as Alfred became flustered.

"Alfie I want to sleep." Arthur mumbled pulling on Alfred's shirt.

"Uh ok? Let's go." Alfred began to turn to his room.

"Carry me?" Arthur pouted.

Matthew began laughing. "Aww how cute he gets needy when he's sleepy."

"Fuck off." Arthur growled.

Matthew paled. "Ok maybe only needy with you."

Alfred began snickering. "M'kay Artie let's go." Alfred smiled picking up the brit bridal style and carrying him over to his room.

Gently Alfred laid Arthur on the bed. Within minutes Arthur laid sleeping soundlessly curling up in the covers practically stealing them all. Alfred knelt next to the smaller man giving him a kiss on his forehead before closing the door quietly.

"Hey Mattie." Alfred called.


"I'm gonna go to sleep with Arthur he's already out like a light." Alfred looked over lovingly towards the door.

"Ok Al night. See you in the morning!" Matthew laughed.

Slowly Alfred walked back into the room and pulled off is shirt and laid down next to Arthur. Using one of his arms as a pillow he wrapped the other around Arthur's waist pulling him close. Though Arthur shifted slightly he didn't wake. Alfred let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Relived he didn't wake the Brit Alfred snuggled closer and began to drift off into deep sleep.  


Arthur awoke groggy noticed sometime during the night he kicked off the pajama bottoms Alfred lent him. He began blushing wondering what would Alfred think. Although he did manage to steal all of the covers after seeing a shirtless American with only part of the blanket on his legs. Worried he might have kicked the American in his sleep Arthur bit his lip from paranoia.

"Hm? Artie?" Alfred moaned as he sat up slowly.

"Good morning love." Arthur smiled.

"Mornin Artie." Alfred mumbled attempting to snuggle with the Brit.

"G..git." Arthur mumbled blushing.

"Your cute when your sleepy. You get all needy it's adorable." Alfred smiled sleepily.

"Git." Arthur blushed.

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