Chapter 23

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"So how did I do?" He smirked.

"I swear I'm going to fuck you so hard the second I can." Alfred laughed.

Arthur walked in front of Alfred and sat on his lap. "Sorry love not tonight I need to be able to stand tomorrow." Arthur smirked.

"Aww ok." Alfred sighed.

"Arthur!" Gabi called.

"Yes boss?" Arthur called back fidgeting on Alfred's lap.

"Your good for the day. Just that dance brought in the amount you need to finish your shift and here are the extras." Gabi smiled handing the money to Arthur. "Oh you must be Arthur's special guest? Nice to meet you I'm Gabi." He smiled to Alfred.

"Good 'ay." Alfred smiled holding Arthur slightly tighter at the sight of another guy.

"Oh love don't worry." Arthur smiled patting Alfred's head. "Thank you Gabi I'm sure my brothers will be happy about the money." Arthur smiled.

"Tell Allistor he has a job here still if he wants it." Gabi winked.

"Always do." Arthur called back laughing as Gabi walked away.

Alfred snuggled into Arthur chest resting his head on Arthur.

"Come one love I already made the money I needed let's go." Arthur smiled stepping up and pulling Alfred with him to the back room. With in a few moments Arthur came out in his normal cloths and the duo walked out hand in hand.

"I think Mattie will be home by now." Alfred sighed.

"Don't worry love we have time." Arthur winked and pulled Alfred into a kiss. "Come on now let's get home."

*back home*

"Mattie are you here?" Alfred called.

"Al!! I have amazing news!!" Matthew yelled running towards Alfred.

"I have another date!!!" Matthew cheered.

"Really! I'm so happy for you!!" Alfred jumped up and down with his brother.

"Yes! And he's perfect and sweet and kind." Matthew smiled.

"What's his name what's his name?" Alfred grinned back.

"Francis!" Matthew grinned.

"What!?!" Arthur and Alfred screamed.

"That's what the bastard meant!" Alfred cursed.

"Alfie what are you talking about?" Arthur questioned.

"After you left for a bit Francis came over to me telling me he's going to stop bothering you because he found someone else. When I said I feel bad for that sucker he just laughed and said I wouldn't soon." Alfred yelled then slammed his hand onto the table cracking it.

"Oh Al you need to stop breaking the tables." Matthew fumbled attempting to get his phone out to call the furniture store again.

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