Chapter 32

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I'm sorry about the cliff hanger on the last one but please don't hurt me. Otaku wanted to make it worse that was the best I could do with what she wanted.

That's when it happened. Time seemed to slow as the car jammed and slid onto the other side of the road. Instantly Alfred unbuckled himself and jumped covering Arthur as he saw an 18 wheeler coming right for them about to hit head on. "I love you Artie." Alfred said quickly then the 18 wheeler hit then head on. An ugly crunching sound and meek crying from pain. The car skidded off the road and crashed into the canal out of sight from passerby's.

"Alfred?" Arthur groaned then opened his eyes to see a bloody body of his lover in front of him. "Alfred!! Alfred!!!" Arthur cried.

"Alfred?" Matthew groaned slowly waking up then seeing his brothers body he began to scream.

"Francis! Francis! Call an ambulance!" Matthew screamed.

Groggy Francis pulled out his phone and Matthew grabbed it calling 911.

"Arthur we need to get out of the car." Matthew said urgently. He attempted to open his door but they were jammed shut and the canal was almost full of water. All around them was water. That's when he noticed where the glass stabbed into Alfred there was a gap just wide enough for people to fit though but equally big enough for water to come in. "Arthur push Alfred out of the car." He said as calm as possible. Arthur was just frozen in fear. "Ok I'll do it then. I'm sorry bro please forgive me." Matthew sighed. As hard and fast as he could he pushed Alfred out of the glass grabbed Arthur and Francis shoved them out then got himself out. Lucky Alfred was upwards in the water so he didn't drown. Matthew pulled Arthur and Francis ashore then swam back and got his brother. Matthew checked Alfred's pulse and could still hear a heart beat then sighed in relief. Only minutes later an ambulance come driving up placing Alfred on the gurney and began tending to everyone's wounds.

"C..can I ride with him to the" Arthur asked meekly.

The paramedics looked to Matthew.

"It's his boyfriend of 4 years please let him. I'm the mans brother," Matthew pointed to Alfred. "He means no harm to him."

"Can you tell us your names please?" The paramedics asked.

"I am Matthew Williams that's my twin brother Alfred F. Jones. This man with the long blond hair is my boyfriend Francis Bonnefoy. The other man is Arthur Kirkland." Matthew said calmly.

"Thank you and where were you all headed?" They asked.

"Alfred and Arthur just graduated today we were going to celebrate at a café with our friends."

"Who was driving the vehicle?" They asked.

Arthur looked down the meekly said "me..."

"The car slipped on something then skidded to the other side of the road sir it was not his fault. I will take responsibility because it is my car." Matthew said calmly.

"Ok Mr. Williams. Your brother should be fine we have a pulse and his heart rate is steadying. We will take him to the hospital though. Will you be coming Mr. Kirkland?" They asked.

"Y..yes thank you." Arthur nodded then crawled into the back of the ambulance. He held onto Alfred's hand. Then the hand closed around his gently Arthur smiled and tears formed in his eyes Alfred knew he was there. Alfred was going to be fine.

After getting to the hospital Arthur sat in the wait room as they took Alfred and gave him a room. After a few minutes Matthew and Francis came running in.

"We're here and so is everyone else!" Francis said quickly.

Suddenly a huge mob of their friends came inside with worried looks on their faces. Among them was a Kirkland's.

"Arthur what happened?" Erin asked.

"It's my fault." Arthur choked up.

"What?" Erin asked.

"H..he told me to use... To use a different road. I didn't listen. It's my fault he's hurt." Arthur cried.

"Arthur look at me." Allistor said blankly. "I hate your stupid boyfriend with all I have because I just want to protect you ok, but I will give him this he only wants the same. If he knew you were beating your self up over this he'd be saying what I am saying to you now. It's ok. Alfred would never be mad at you for this."

" would you know?" Arthur stuttered.

"Mr. Kikland?" The nurse said.

"Yes?" The four Kirkland's answered.

"Ok the one who is dating Mr. Jones." The nurse said slightly annoyed.

"Me." Arthur said quietly.

"This was found in your boyfriends jacket and based on the way you are acting right now I want to be the first to congratulate you." She said with a small smile on her lips, handing the box to Arthur.

"That's why I know he won't be mad." Allistor said quietly.

Arthur opened the box to reveal a small silver ring. Picking it up he realized it had AK+AJ written on the inside.

"He asked me if he could marry you the other day. I said it had to wait till both of you graduated." Allistor sighed.

"H..he was going to." Arthur stuttered.

"There was a party and everything at world café for you. You just never made it there." Allistor said softly.

Tears formed in Arthur's eyes.

"Mr. Kirkland!" The nurse called. "He's awake."

Arthur rushed over got the room number and walked as fast as he could.

Slowly he opened the door that there he was. His idiot with sky blue eyes and messy blond hair with an odd cowlick. Who says things like awesome and jumps up and down over little things. The one who works at a daycare with Elizabeta's idiot. The man who all the children love and respect. The git who Arthur himself loves with his heart and soul.

"Alfred." Arthur's voice faltered as he ran over and hugged his idiot.

"H..hello?" Alfred said curiously.

"Alfred I'm so glad your ok I was so worried." Arthur cried.

"Well thank you for worrying ,but- who are you?" Alfred asked.

Then and there the whole world stopped.

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