Chapter 13

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"Mattie it's ok Carlos is gone now! I'm coming in ok?" Alfred smiled.

As Alfred opened the door he saw his brother curled up into a ball crying.

"Mattie? Mattie are you ok?" Alfred panicked.

Alfred ran to his brother picking him up and carrying him to the couch.

"Mattie it's ok he's gone." Alfred said soothingly.

"W..What am I supposed to do Alfred?" He cried. "He was the only one who ever noticed me. I should have taken him back."

Suddenly Erin put Peter down and walked over.

"Hey Matthew right? Look at me." She said sternly. "I don't give a damn about who does or does not see you. There is a family here that is feared in places because we think your awesome. We had never seen hockey before till we stumbled across one of your matches on TV. You got 3 feared guys, a girl who can kick ass, a cute little kid, and Arthur all thinking your amazing. I mean seriously you are the demon on ice!!!" She laughed. "That's fucking cool."

Matthew looked to her in amazement and wonder. "But I." He began.

"But nothing. Now cheer up because you have a family to notice you now." Erin said smiling and gave him a hug.

Matthew began to smile as Alfred also made his way to hug him along with the rest of the Kirkland's.

"Allistor! Dylan! Go and get tons of ice cream for this sweetheart! Now!" She yelled.

"Yes ma'am." They both panicked and ran out the door to the car.

"Conner! Help Alfred find every blanket and pillow in this house!" She ordered.

"Yes ma'am!" He laughed. "Come on Alfred."

"Peter. Get ready to build the fort of your life!" She cheered. "Arthur your helping him." She added after.

"Huh?" Matthew questioned. "What are we doing?"

"Building a fort and eating ice cream in it. Whenever one of the guys gets bad grade, dumped, or just having a bad day in general it helps." She smiled proudly. "Now what's your favorite food?"

"P..pancake." He mumbled in wonder.

"Favorite animal or flag?"

"Polar bears and the Canadian flag."

"Awesome! I'll be back with in a few minutes just show me where the pancake stuff is!" She grinned.

"Wait...can you do pancake art?" He asked.

"I can do anything if someone needs it! It might come out horrible but it's the thought that counts!" She smiled brightly.

"Ok let's go make pancakes then." Matthew smiled softly.

*amount of time it takes to make around 30 custom made pancakes later*

"We're home everyone!" Dylan sang as they walked through the door.

"Yeah we're here." Allistor mumbled with his cigar in his mouth.

"Throw out that cigar right now! We are in someone else's home!" Erin lectured.

"Yes ma'am." Allistor said defeated.

"Good now Matthew where are your bowls?" She asked.

"Oh here." He said reaching to get them down for her.

"Perfect. Allistor bring the ice cream over!" She called.


As soon as Allistor came over Erin took all the ice cream out of the bags and began to put scoops in each bowl.

"Is that all you got?" She asked.

"Of course not I know the drill already." Dylan smiled as he walked in with 3 cans of spray whip cream, 2 large jugs on chocolate syrup, and a extra large container of maple syrup. Then began pulling out containers of candy, sprinkles, and sodas.

"Oh my this must have been a lot I'm sorry let me pay for this." Matthew freaked.

"Oh don't worry we own it all anyway." Dylan laughed.

"What?" Matthew questioned.

"Look at all of them we are the Kirkland's we own the brand." Dylan smiled.

"Yet Dylan still makes us get jobs." Allistor complained.

"It's just in case we need it later." Dylan lectured.

"You could at least let Arthur quit his job!" Allistor complained.

"Arthur's job gets the most money." Dylan said seriously.

"What what's Arthur's..." Matthew began.

"Hey guys I think the forts ready!!" Alfred called from the other room.

Matthew grabbed the plate with all the pancakes on it while Erin and Allistor carried the bowls of ice cream. Dylan followed behind with all the candies and sweets.

Alfred's and Peter's eyes lit up at the sight of the sweets. Every else's eyes lit up at the sight of the fort.

"Oh maple...." Matthew sighed. "Alfred I think you over did it again."

"Again?" The Kirkland's jaws dropped.

"Hehe. Maybe a little." Alfred smiled.

The fort was held up by a series of hooks attached to the ceiling. Then with chairs to help the cloth stay spread out bound with socks. A large bed sheet tied to the blankets was the door. Inside was the couch dozens of pillows to lay on the coffee table to eat on and more blankets, and with the TV in the corner to watch it later. Arthur laid on one of the extra pillows with Conner on the couch across from him. The whole thing took up most of the room.

"How did you do that?" Allistor asked in awe.

"He's a science and math prodigy." Matthew answered.

"What!?" They all just stared.

"Come on come on!!! Let's play!!!" Alfred jumped up and down.

"Yeah yeah!! Let's play let's play!!" Peter cheered.

"How is a prodigy in two difficult yet respectable areas so childish?" Dylan laughed.

"It's a long story that Alfred doesn't like to bring up." Matthew said quietly.

They all looked to him in wonder just what happened to the happy American to make it where just the mention of it could make him sad.

"Are y'all coming?" Alfred called.

"Yes we're going Alfred." Matthew called back. "We have pancakes!"

"And ice cream." Erin joined in.

The odd family huddled together ready to start eating.

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