Chapter 33

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"Alfred I'm so glad you ok I was so worried." Arthur cried.

"Well thank you for worrying but who are you?" Alfred asked.

Then and there the whole world stopped.

"W..what do you mean?" Arthur stuttered.

"Who are you? I don't know who you are." Alfred said seriously.

"Alfred do you remember why you are here in the hospital?" Arthur asked.

"Yes. The car skidded to the other side of the road and was about to hit my brother and his boyfriend head on. I jumped in the way to protect them." Alfred said.

"Ok well my name is Arthur. And it was me you protected." Arthur said slowly.

"Do I have like amnesia or something then?" Alfred asked.

"Y..yes I think so." Arthur sighed.

"I'll be right back let me just." Arthur turned to go only to have Alfred grab his hand.

"I don't know who you are but I feel like I do." Alfred said softly. "Can you tell me? Maybe I can remember something."

"My name is Arthur Kirkland. I am your boyfriend. We have been together for four years. We met at the metro station in New York because you crashed into me. Then it turned out we had class together. I live with you and your brother moved out almost two years ago to live with his boyfriend Francis." Arthur said.

"I remember Francis. He has blond hair that's really long and blue eyes right?" Alfred asked.

"Yes." Arthur said happily. "Well we would also regularly go see my friend Kiku and his husband."

"Hercules." Alfred said cutting Arthur off. "And they have two kids right? No..Nozomi and Ajax." He smiled.

Something though shocked Arthur. He had seen this face before but not on the Alfred he knows. It was almost like a little kids face who was just like Alfred. That's when he remembered Alfred's journal.

~I found him today~

Is what it said. That was the same day he met Alfred only it wasn't the first time he met him. Memories of a small kid no older than five running up to him and playing with him. Only he moved the next day.

"Alfred do you remember a small kid from when you were little with messy blond hair and green eyes?" Arthur asked.

"Yes he looks kinda like you. I can't remember his name though." Alfred said sadly.

"His name was Arthur. That was me." Arthur smiled softly.

Something clicked in Alfred's head. Flashing of all the memories Arthur flooded into his head. The love ,the sex, spending the holidays together. Playing pool fights and laughing. Eating fancy dinners and attempting to not die when Arthur burned the food. When he took care of Arthur when he was sick only to get himself sick and Arthur had to take care of him. Remembering Arthurs job and how even though he hated that Arthur was on display for other people he knew Arthur was only his. Remembering the lust full glances to each other. The way Arthur's kisses tasted. How his angry Brit loves earl grey tea and hates coffee unless in on Alfred's breath. How they walked in on Francis and Matthew more than a few times, yet by the same token they walked in on them often also. He remembered Arthur in a dress being one of Elizabeta's bridesmaids and her wedding. How Arthur proceeded to hit Gilbert after the wedding because Gilbert stuttered when saying I do to Elizabeta. How she just sat there laughing as her friend chased her new husband around. Alfred remembered Nozomi and Ajax's birthdays and being smushed with cake then running over and hugging Arthur to get him dirty too. He remembered loving Arthur with everything he has.

"Artie." Alfred said with tears in his eyes.

"Alfie." Arthur smiled hugging his idiot close.

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for scaring you." Alfred cried.

"It's ok I'm sorry for not listening and causing this whole mess." Arthur cried.

"Mr. Jones are you ok?" A nurse ran in.

"Yes I'm sorry." Alfred said with tears still in his eyes.

"It's ok I understand." She smiled. "I will call the rest of the people that are here to see you."

"Thank you." Alfred smiled.

Moments later the room was filled with people crying and happy. Alfred remembered all of them. Only he forgot one important thing.

*time skip alfies out of the hospital!* 

"Hey Artie." Alfred called.

"Yes love?" Arthur said signing the last of the paperwork so Alfred can go home.

"Let's go out to eat somewhere. The food here is horrible." Alfred smiled.

"Ok love how about the café we would go to?" Arthur asked.

"Yes please." Alfred's eyes lit up.

Arthur helped Alfred change back into his normal clothing Matthew brought and slipped on the bomber jacket that Arthur managed to patch back up. Together they left to the world café.

Once Alfred saw it something sparked his memory. He was going to ask Arthur to marry him. Quickly he looked though his jacket pockets unable to find the box.

"Looking for this love?" Arthur asked with the box in his hand.

"Y..yeah I guess you know already." Alfred blushed.

"Well unless you ask me your not getting an answer." Arthur shrugged.

Alfred smiled and grabbed the box. Outside of the café he knelt on one knee and said, "Arthur Kirkland you are stubborn, cranky, and don't know when not to fight, but I love you and will you make me the luckiest man in the world and marry me?" Alfred blushed.

Gasps came out from the people around and in the café waiting on those a simple words.

"Yes I'll marry you, you git." Arthur smiled hugging Alfred tightly.

Screams and whistles erupted all along the streets and in the café. They shared their first kiss of being engaged.


The last two chapters were so painful to write! I'm sorry about that so should I make a wedding chapter?

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