Chapter 20

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"Oh! Oh! Alice! Come over here my best friend is here!!" Amelia called.

"Amy! You should be working!" The blond girl yelled. Her pigtails almost to her knees flying from the dash she made. "Arthur?" She gasped.

"Alice?" He laughed.

"Oh my god you came to America finally!!" She cheered.

Alice ran to hug Arthur causing pouting from the Americans.

"Alice!! No! Don't hug him your mine!!" Amelia pouted.

"Yes love I am." She laughed.

Arthur turned to see his American also pouting from not receiving attention.

"Come here git." Arthur smiled and opened his arms for Alfred to hug him.

"Well I guess you met Amy." Alice smiled.

"Back off Brit she's mine!" Amelia growled holding Alice.

"Same too you," Alfred glared. "Artie's mine." He growled hugging Arthur.

Both Brits just rolled their eyes and laughed at their over protective idiots.

"Hey I'm sorry but I came to bring her back so she would start working, but how about a meal on me since you do love this place and all." Alice grinned.

"You love this place?" Alfred's eyes widened.

"Well I don't particularly dislike it." Arthur mumbled.

"He was manager at one for over a year." Alice smirked.

"Alice!" Arthur shouted.

Amelia began pouring from not getting attention from her Brit.

"Bye bye we gotta get to work." Amelia yelled as she dragged Alice away.

"B..bloody hell Amelia!" Alice cussed.

"Well that was eventful." Arthur shrugged as he turned to Alfred who was giving big puppy eyes.

*sigh* "Let's go git." Arthur smiled.

The pair began walking to the metro to get back to Alfred's house.

*time skip!*

Once the pair arrived to a silent house Alfred picked the Brit up bridal style earring a scream of terror from Arthur. Grinning Alfred kissed the Brit on his cheek.

"G..git." He mumbled.

"I'm your git." Alfred smiled.

"Did you really get jealous earlier?" Arthur asked.

"Maybe." Alfred pouted.

"Baka. Your the only one I love," Arthur kissed Alfred's forehead. "Besides Alice is gay like us."

"What?" Alfred's eyes widened.

"Didn't you see Amelia hanging on to her? They are gay like the rest of us." Arthur laughed.

"Woah woah I'm bi." Alfred smirked.

"Oh ok then." Arthur shrugged and stepped out of Alfred's hold and began walking to the door.

"A..Artie? W...where are you going?" Alfred stuttered.

"Mr. I'm bi apparently doesn't want to be called gay like the rest of us so I'm leaving." Arthur said bluntly.

"No! I'm sorry I'm sorry!!" Alfred pleaded.

"Hm? Nah." Arthur smirked continuing to walk to the door.

"Arthur stop!" Alfred yelled causing the Brit to panic.

"Alfred." Arthur started.

"No!" Alfred yelled cornering Arthur. "Your mine! Only mine. If your not mine then I can't protect you!" Alfred began crying.

"A..Alfred." Arthur stuttered.

"Your mine Artie. I don't want to lose you too." Alfred cried.

"Shh love. What makes you think I'm going to lea..." Arthur cut himself off. After all he just said he would leave himself. "Shh love I didn't mean it." Arthur attempted to sooth Alfred.

"B..but you said." Alfred stuttered.

"Yes I say a lot of things don't worry." Arthur mumbled.

Alfred wrapped his arms around Arthur holding him closer.

"P..please don't leave me Artie. Not again." Alfred mumbled into Arthur's ear.

"I won't leave you. I promise." Arthur smiled softly holding Alfred tightly not quite understanding what Alfred meant by again.

Arthur kissed Alfred jaw softly and smiled. "Come on git lets go watch some tele ok?"

"Ok." Alfred said softly as Arthur began pulling him to the couch.

Arthur sat down while Alfred laid down next to him. Placing his head on Arthur lap. Arthur began to play with Alfred's hair and lightly brushed his fingers on Alfred's cowlick by accident.

"A..Artie." Alfred mumbled, his face turning red.

"S..sorry." Arthur blushed.

"Hey Artie what is your job?" Alfred asked.

"Oh yes, we were talking about that earlier weren't we? Well how about you take a nap and I'll wake you up when I go to work yes?" Arthur smiled.

"Do I have to take a nap?" Alfred pouted.

"Yes love." Arthur laughed. "Go to sleep I'm right here."

Slowly Alfred closed his eyes relaxing at Arthur's touch. He began to sleep resting on the Brit. Unfortunately Arthur didn't think this through because Alfred managed to get an iron grip on one of his legs. Poor Arthur couldn't move if he wanted too. Soon Arthur phone began going off telling him it's time for work.

"Love? You need to wake up." Arthur laughed as he moved Alfred's hair to see his face. Arthur had to admit Alfred did look really cute when asleep. His cheeks chubbed up like a little kids. When he opened his bright blue eyes Arthur could have sworn he'd seen that face before. He just couldn't remember when he had seen it.

"Artie?" Alfred yawned.

"Yes love. Now wake up you wanted to go to my work yes?" Arthur sighed a little.

"Yes can I still go?" Alfred gave pleading eyes.

"Yes come on now let's go get ready." Arthur smiled.

They walked towards Alfred room where Arthur proceeded to  pick out clothing for Alfred and having to push the American every now and then for trying to hug him. Eventually Arthur managed to get Alfred in nice clothing nothing fancy but not his superhero shirts ether. This way he'd at least blend in at the club.

"So! So! Artie! Where do you work?" Alfred practically jumped for joy.

"It's a type of club." Arthur shrugged.

"Oh cool! How come your not changing? But you made me change." Alfred pouted.

"Because my uniform is there at work. You on the other hand will be a guest so you need to look nice." Arthur lectured.

"Aww ok. Can I drive you to work?" Alfred asked with a grin upon his face.

"Yes love." Arthur sighed.

They walked out and climbed into Alfred's old Ford pick up truck and Arthur began steering Alfred were to go.

"Uh Artie?" Alfred question.

"Yes love?" Arthur blushed knowing what Alfred was going to ask.

"Why are we outside a strip club?" Alfred looked to the bright faced Brit.

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