Chapter 9

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Arthur walked down the street to his home which was only a block or so away. Too see the drapes were open and a mess littered the living room. As he runs into the house he see's his oldest brother Dylan passed out on the couch. With his reddish hair messier than it normally is. With Allistor sitting up on the armchair next to Dylan. A lit cigar was in Allistor's hands and a real pissed off look on his face. He had on his green work uniform with his bright red hair actually brushed. Arthur walked through the door preparing for the worst because of how serious his big brother looked.

"Allistor where is Peter, Conner, and Erin?" Arthur began. (Conner is north Ireland and Eren is Ireland sorry if they are wrong I'm using the Hetalia wiki) 

"I think the correct thing is where were you Arthur?" He said annoyed.

"I was with a friend alright. I don't see the problem." Arthur snapped.

"The problem is you need to put your family first!" Allistor yelled.

"Huh?" Dylan said groggily. "Oh Arthur where were you?" He asked.

"I was at a friends house his brother just had a break up." Arthur explained.

"See Scottie I told you he was fine." Dylan grinned.

"Ok fine. It's Tuesday if you forgot so Peter is at school right now. Erin should be at the store." Allistor huffed.

"And Conner is still probably out cold in his room." Dylan grinned.

"Still you should have done more than just call!" Allistor complained.

"B..but I didn't.." Arthur began.

"Will you two drama queens get over it?" Dylan smirked. "Arthur he's only hard on you because he cares, and Scottie he's not a little kid anymore if he wants to spend the night somewhere else he can. Now I say lets all just sleep." He laughed.

"I'm going to work." Allistor mumbled. "Arthur start picking up the house ok, and I'm glad your back home." He said quietly.

"Ok Allistor." Arthur grinned back.

"See we're all friends here." Dylan laughed.

Allistor left to his job ready to explain that he was late because his little brother didn't come home. Dylan eventually got up and woke Conner so they could go work. Arthur began cleaning the house and managed to finish just before Erin got home.

"Arthur!" She smiled.

"Hey Erin." He smiled back. As always with her green dress and white blouse and light green clips in her reddish hair.

"Artie help me unpack the groceries please?" She smiled.

Of course Arthur helped besides it was as close as he could come in the kitchen. After a couple mishaps his brothers  never let him in the kitchen unless he is getting water and even then they are still scared.

"Oh Arthur are you hungry?" Erin asked.

"Just a little love but you don't need to worry about me." He smiled back.

"Well I just stocked up on your tea. But I guess you don't want any." She teased.

"Wait I changed my mind I would like some tea." Arthur asked.

"Haha coming right up." She smiled back.

As Erin made the tea Arthur's phone began going off.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Artie!!!" The American yelled on the other end of the line.

"Bloody git don't yell." Arthur lectured.

"Sorry Artie!" He laughed.

"Anyway you twit what do you want?" Arthur smiled.

"Well I was wondering if you want to go out. I'm already out of class for the day. Maybe can we go somewhere?" Alfred asked.

"Sorry love I'm with my sister right now." Arthur apologized.

"Maybe, I can still meet you?" Alfred said hopefully.

"Erin is it ok if my friend comes over to the house?" Arthur asked.

"Sure just make sure to hide him if Allistor comes home!" Erin called back.

"Alfie my address is ******* ok?" Arthur smiled.

"Ok Artie be there soon!" He laughed and hung up the phone.

"Alfie now is it?" Erin grinned. "Is he your boyfriend?"

"What of course not." Arthur huffed.

"Well then where did you spend the night?" She smiled.

" Alfred's house. But we didn't do anything!" Arthur blushed.

"But you just slept together. In the same bed? Holding onto each other?" Her smile grew.

"W..what I well sorta." Arthur's face grew redder.

"Ga that's so cute!! My big brother finally got a boyfriend!!" She laughed.

"S..shut up." He mumbled.

Suddenly a knock at the door stopped the siblings from they're little fight.

"Artie? Are you there?" Alfred called from behind the door.

"Pff Artie? I though only the guys and me called you that. Don't you hate it?" Erin laughed.

"Of course I do but there is no use trying to stop him he will not listen." Arthur shrugged.

He opened the door to reveal his American idiot smiling in the door way.

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