Chapter 4

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Arthur's classes went by in a daze as he waited for 4 o'clock to come. Worried to sound desperate he waited till 4:28 to call Alfred.

"Hello? Alfred?" Arthur said worried he may have been given the wrong number.

"Hey Artie!" A happy voice said on the other end of the line.

"It's Arthur not Artie you bloody git." He complained.

"Anyway maybe you can come to my place later? Or I can pick you up right now?" Alfred asked.

"I just finished my class a while ago and I'm at a cafe do you want to come?" Arthur asked hopefully.

"Sure dude what's it called?" Alfred asked.

"Uh world cafe." Arthur answered.

"Sweet I'll be there soon bye Artie." He laughed.

"Bye Alfred. Hey wait don't call me!" He yelled as the phone disconnected. "Bloody git hung up on me." He growled.

*time skip*

With in a few minutes Alfred made it to world cafe.

"Hey Artie." He snuck up behind the Brit and hugged him.

"Don't call me that or I'm going to call you Alfie!" Arthur pouted.

"Ok Artie I'm cool with it." He smiled kissing the man on the cheek and walking to his chair.

"W..w..why did you kiss me?" Arthur stuttered.

"Because I like you." Alfred grinned.

"But you just met me?" Arthur protested.

"Well I feel like I've known you for a long time." Alfred's smile faded.

Arthur knew there was deeper meaning to what Alfred said but couldn't find the heart to ask him. Just seeing the American sad was enough to cause the Brit pain.

"But don't worry about it." Alfred laughed. "Besides I like you the way you are."

"E..even though I'm older?" Arthur questioned.

Alfred whispered into Arthur's ear, "I like older men." Then began grinning as Arthur turned red.

"D..don't say that you git!" Arthur blushed.

"Why not?" Alfred said with a devilish smile. "Even if it true? After all my mother said to always tell the truth." He winked turning Arthur into a blushing mess again.

"Well I...I just think your saying things so quickly." Arthur blushed.

"Hey look at me Arthur." Alfred said with a smile. "I love you. I know it. My heart beats like crazy around you. I want to impress you and care for you. I want to be there for you. You have no idea just what you mean to me." He laughed.

"Bloody git you can't just tell someone that." Arthur looked away trying to hide his red face.

"But it's true." Alfred started. "I love your green eyes how they sparkle over the simplest things. I love your mess hair and your thick eyebrows. I love all of you."

"I..I well uh.." Arthur was cut off with a kiss from Alfred.

"How was that?" Alfred smirked.

"Good." Arthur breathed.

"Don't wanna be a Canadian idiot!" Alfred phone sang.

Alfred pulled out his phone to hear his brother crying. "Mattie what's wrong?" He panicked.
"Ok ok I'll be at the house in a second. Just give me a minute I'll get all the stuff don't worry." He said calmly.

"Alfred? Is everything ok?" Arthur panicked.

"Yea my brothers boyfriend just broke up with him. So I'm going to get ice cream and horrible movies for us to laugh at." He smiled softly.

"I'm sorry I'll go then." Arthur started.

"No!" Alfred yelled. "Uh sorry I mean why not come with me. It will help Mattie to have more people to support him." He smiled.

"Ok just let me call my brothers." Arthur said.

Soon they were off to the store to buy crappy movies and ice cream.

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