Chapter 5

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As they walked into the store Arthur tensed at the sight of someone.

"Hey you ok Artie?" Alfred asked.

"Y..yes sorry. I just thought I saw someone." Arthur apologized.

"Don't worry dude! The hero is here and I'll protect you!" Alfred said with a smile.

As they made it down the aisle to get the movies someone tapped Arthur on his shoulder.

"Keseseseses the awesome me has found you!" An albino man told Arthur.

"Gilbert get away from me!" He growled.

"Hey! What do ya want with Arthur?" Alfred's voice kicked into his southern drawl.

"Kesesese oh nothing much." Gilbert smirked.

"I will call Elizabeth." Arthur said flatly.

What ever color was in the mans pale face drained at the mention of Elizabeth.

"No wait don't do that Liz will have me sleeping on the couch!!" He panicked.

"Then leave me alone." Arthur smirked.

"Fine I guess I'll leave you alone," he said in defeat. "But they won't."

"Mon ami!" A blond man with long hair called over.

Arthur paled at the sight of this man ready to run. The blond man came running right at him only Alfred stepped in the way.

"What do ya want with em?" Alfred's accent thickening from anger.

"I'm just going to see my lover. You know the one with thick eyebrows." He winked.

"Is it true?" Alfred asked Arthur with pain in his eyes.

"No of course not! I will not date a bloody frog!!" Arthur yelled.

"But mon ami, we've dated before." The blond blew a kiss to Arthur.

"We'll get a move on cuz he's mine now." Alfred threatened.

"Sure thing no problem." The blond man stepped back. "Oh and Arthur I'll tell Toni you say hi." With that the two disappeared.

"T..thank you." Arthur mumbled.

"Ok dude what was that?" Alfred asked with still a hint of accent.

"I..I" Arthur stuttered.

"What?" Alfred questioned.

"I can't think with your accent!!" Arthur blurted.

A sly grin was upon Alfred's face. "Yea mean my southern accent." He said slowly. "Didn't think yea liked it hm." He grinned.

"Well I..I" Arthur stuttered.

"Ok ok sorry," Alfred laughed. "I get it when I'm annoyed but I'm good now." He smiled.

"Ok." Arthur blushed.

"Although I sometimes get it when I'm turned on." Alfred whispered into Arthur's ear turning him beet red.

"Well I..I uh." Arthur stuttered.

"Come on dude lets get the ice cream and movies so we can go home." Alfred laughed.

"Y..yeah let's go." Arthur smiled.

Forgive me and don't worry no Francis will not be an evil character like in some of the UsUk story's. He's just a little sinamonroll and deserves love.

Finding you (book one)Where stories live. Discover now