Chapter 18

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"Promise." Dylan, Allistor, Conner, and Erin smiled.

"Hey Mattie what was your mom like?" Erin asked.

"She was beautiful. We still have a picture of her and dad I think. People looked down on them because mom was Native American and dad was white." He said as he pulled out a picture with a woman with dark skin and long black hair and a man with bright blue eyes pale skin and blond hair.

"She really is." Erin smiled.

"Alfred's more like her than I am though. His skin tans easily and stays dark for a long time. It was funny when we were younger because sometimes Alfred's hair would be slightly brown." He laughed.

"You mean it would change color?" Dylan questioned.

"Sorta. Sometimes his hair grew dirty blond others just pure blond." He grinned. "He acts like mom too. Whenever people would judge her for being the way she was and assuming she had no schooling she'd show them up. Alfred tends to do that because many think he's just a meat-head who plays sports. Once he starts on science he won't shut up." Matthew laughed. "What about you all's family?" He asked.

Shaken looks painted the Kirkland's faces.

"Mom died when Peter was little." Erin said sadly.

"Dad died when mom was still pregnant with him. Since Peter was about 1 we have been on our own." Conner looked to his sister.

"I.. I'm sorry." Matthew stuttered.

"No it's ok. You didn't know." Allistor smiled softly. "We all have had a rough life."

"Yeah that's true." Dylan smiled.

"But it's ok." Matthew looked to his brother. "Because somehow these idiots found each other. Now we're all one family."

"Agreed." The Kirkland's smiled.

Eventually everyone dozed off to sleep. Erin in the small corner of the couch with Matthew beside her. The Kirkland trio across the floor. It was a good night. Till an alarm began going off in the morning.

Matthew awoke at his normal time around 5 o'clock and began to make breakfast. Erin woke up just a few minutes later and began helping him also. After making the breakfast she went to wake up Peter so she could take him to school and get anything the guys might need. Allistor woke up a while after more or less trudged through the house changing into last nights clothing that Erin washed for him. Eventually the whole family woke up except Alfred and Arthur.

*other room*

Arthur awoke groggily taking in a deep sent of leather. Opening his eyes to see his American completely passed out.

"Alfred?" Arthur smiled poking his cheek.

"Hm?" Alfred mumbled in response.

"Up sleepy head we have class." Arthur grinned.

"Ok I'm going." Alfred said still asleep.

Arthur just managed to crawl out of the Americans grip and left to change into some of Alfred's other cloths. Grabbing some shirt with a pentagram and the word 'supernatural' on it. A pair of the idiot boxers that were way to big for him and some of Alfred's old jeans that actually fit him. He changed quickly in Alfred's room then went back to see Alfred has yet to move.

"Alfred come on." Arthur shoved the American.

"Mmhm." Alfred mumbled back.

Arthur glared at Alfred. "If you don't get up we are never having sex again." He whispered into Alfred's ear.

"I'm up I'm up." Alfred yelled.

"Good now go get ready." Arthur began.

"Holy shit you look so hot in my 'supernatural' shirt." Alfred blurted.

"A..ah well I just needed to change from what I slept in." Arthur mumbled turning red.

"You still look hot." Alfred grinned. "Ok I guess I'll go change. Are you going to come with me?" A smirk danced across the Americans face.

"Well why would I do that you bloody git? I am already dressed." Arthur huffed crossing his arms.

"Oh well I just thought you would like to help me find clothing," he walked closer to Arthur. "I can always need help picking those things I though you'd like to undress me." He whispered.

"G..git." Arthur blushed.

"Come on let's go Artie." Alfred grinned walking to his room holding Arthur's hand.

As they stepped into Alfred's room he closed the door and locked it. Walking up to Arthur and kissing him slowly Alfred wrapped his arms around the Brits back.

"Git come on let's get you ready." Arthur said braking the kiss.

"What if I don't wanna." Alfred wined.

"Well you have too." Arthur countered.

Arthur pulled Alfred's shirt off and began looking for something for him to wear. Pulling out one of the many marvel shirts in the closet.

"Is spider-man ok for you?" Arthur asked.

"I guess." Alfred pouted wrapping his arms around the Brit.

"Come on git you need to get ready." Arthur pushed him away.

After around 5 minutes of fighting they finally managed to make it to the dinning room to see Erin and Peter have already left and Allistor, Dylan, and Conner were getting ready to leave.

"You too love birds better get to class!" Dylan called.

"Mattie what time is it?" Alfred asked.

"You have class in 20 minutes. Here's your breakfast," he smiled softly. "Arthur here's yours. Don't forget to eat everything. Here's a jug of earl gray tea still warm for you Arthur. Alfred here's your sweet tea don't drink it all at once!" He lectured.

"Yay! Thanks Mattie!!" Alfred smiled.

"Sweet tea?" Arthur questioned.

"Yes!" Alfred smiled. "Ok Artie let's go!" He ran out of the house holding Arthur's hand tightly.

The American practically dragged the Brit out the door holding onto their food and backpacks. As soon as they arrived at the metro station Alfred darted for the open spot. He pushed Arthur onto it and smiled.

"G..git you could have sat down I didn't need to." Arthur blushed.

"No! I need to find you a seat so I ran to made sure I could." Alfred smiled gleefully.

"Well thank you, you it." Arthur laughed.

"Mon ami? Is that you?" A French voice said from the other side of the cart.

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