Chapter 25

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"Maybe you will just have to wait and see." Arthur shrugged as he leaned back into Alfred's grasp. "Come on love let's go see your brother."

"Ok." Alfred smiled kissing Arthur on the cheek.

Arthur moved out of Alfred's way to stand beside him interlocking their hands. Walking to the kitchen they saw Matthew already with tubs of pancakes and two large drinks for them.

"Al your usual pancakes and coffee," Matthew handed the food to Alfred. "Arthur your tea and pancakes." He handed to Arthur. "Hope you all like them eh?"

"Thanks Mattie your the best!" Alfred smiled.

"Job after school! Don't forget!" Matthew lectured.

"I know I know." Alfred mumbled.

"Arthur your more than welcomed to live here I would just advice you to bring clothing for when you do." Matthew smiled.

"T..thank you," Arthur mumbled. "Forgive me if I have been a pest." Arthur blushed.

"Oh not at all," Matthew smiled. "It's nice having someone else be here for a change."

"Come on Artie let's get to class." Alfred smiled. "Bye bye Mattie!" He called as they walked out the door and headed for the metro.

"So we have who's class first again?" Alfred asked.

"Uh it's Toni I think." Arthur shrugged.

"Your not mad? Like we don't need a fight to break out from student teacher thing." Alfred asked.

"Oh trust me he will be in a good mood Lovi was working yesterday. Toni will be in a very good mood." Arthur smiled.

"And the others won't bother you?" Alfred questioned.

"If Gilbert tries I will call Eliza that always works." Arthur smiled.

"Wait isn't Elizabeta the girl who works with you? She was also out waiter at world café did you know that?" Alfred asked.

"Yes she does work with me and I knew it was her. If she sees me with a guy she starts trying to get me to go out with them. Good intentions just gets annoying." Arthur shrugged.

Finally the doors opened and the duo stepped into the cart along with dozens of other people.

"That's actually really sweet though." Alfred grinned.

"Yeah it is but doesn't make it any less embarrassing." Arthur laughed.

Finally they made it to their stop getting off with a few other people they walked but a few minutes and got to the campus. Making it to Toni's room they sat down and began eating. After a few minutes Lovino came in limping.

"Have fun?" Arthur smiled to Lovino.

"Fuck off." Lovino cursed giving them the middle finger.

"Here Lovi eat something." Arthur offered a pancakes.

"Thanks." Lovino said sheepishly.

"No worries." Arthur grinned.

The 3 made small talk while waiting for Antonio and the rest of the class to arrive. Once Antonio did get there he was in a much happier mood as Arthur said he would be. Alfred could figure out why and was upset that he and Arthur couldn't have done that. The lesson went rather smoothly with no fighting in the whole hour. Once they were dismissed Alfred grabbed Arthur's hand and began pulling him out of the class.

"I'm going to see if I can get the job ok? You want to go home and get your stuff or just wait with me?" Alfred asked.

"Don't worry love I'll go get the stuff and meet up with you later." Arthur smiled kissing Alfred on the cheek.

"Ok love you Artie." Alfred smiled.

"Love you too git." Arthur laughed.

The two parted ways leaving and interesting surprised waiting for each of them.

As Alfred began walking over to where the day care should be he pulled out his phone and dialed the number.

"Hello? Is this The Awesomest day care?" Alfred asked.

"Já this is das Awesomest day care thanks for noticing!" A man with a slight German accent laughed.

"Uh ok?" Alfred laughed. "Can I apply for a job? I've worked in day cares before and I'm good with kids." Alfred asked.

"Sicher we need some help. Und your name is?" The man asked.

"Names Al." Alfred told him.

"Ok Al can you start working now?" The man questioned.

"Uh sure?" Alfred answered rather worried now.

"Guys were saved!" The man yelled on the other end of the phone. "Oh und be here soon!" He told Alfred then hung up.

"Well this will be fun..." Alfred shrugged and began continued walking to the day care.


Arthur began walking to the metro to get home only to run into someone. A bloody frog as he would put it.

"Mon Ami!" Francis cheered at the sight of Arthur.

"Oh shit Alfred's not here." Arthur cussed.

"Mon Ami where is your little toy?" Francis grinned.

"He's not a toy Francis he's my boyfriend." Arthur blushed on the last part.

"Oh sure how old is he again? He looks like he can't be over 19 as if he just got out of school. While you are what 23? He does have a job right? Or are you paying for him with your job." Francis walked up closer to whisper into Arthur's ear. "Mon amour it's not to late."

"No. Francis." Arthur glared.

"Alfred isn't like you. He doesn't mind about my job. He isn't worried I will run off to someone else. Yes we fight but he is an idiot and panics after. Best of all unlike when I was with you there is no pity sex." Arthur glared.

"M..mon ami." Francis stuttered.

"Oh look here my stop. Good bye you frog." Arthur turned and began walking to the door. "Oh and I'm sure Matthew would love to hear about this." With that he walked off head held high and pride full. That lasted until he got to his house.

"Arthur you mother fucker get your arse in here!" Allistor yelled from the window causing stares from everyone in a 20 foot radius....

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