Chapter 1: The Opening

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It's first day of class yet again. At first glance, Sinclair High Academy looks just like any typical boarding school early in the morning.

Every part of the campus is bursting with energy. A banner saying 'Welcome to SinHigh Academy' is proudly hanging on the school's huge vintage portal. Colorful crepe papers are dangling everywhere creating a festive mood like the Chinese paper lanterns swaying softly with the wind. The hum of the drums created a mystical rhythm that's borderline eerie, like the ceremonial drums.

Students are milling around, pulling their luggage to their dormitories. Teachers are barking instructions over the chaos, squinting their eyes at a few freshmen who are trying to drop a kid unto the pond.

Up above, he is watching silently as cars piled into the driveway. The Academy had taken extreme precautionary measures. For maximum security, only students are allowed to enter while subjecting their luggage through strict inspection. It would be best for everyone.

His attention is then directed to the hustling of exuberant students pouring into the building's lobby and checking out every nook and cranny. Freshmen. No doubt. Those are the seventh graders who have been emancipated into Sinclair High Academy.

Cheerleaders in outrageously little red and black outfits are prancing around guiding a group of innocent Freshies.

A few heads turned above and instantly froze. Their eyes going wide as soon as they saw the guy in black watching them from the third floor's glass window, standing with his hands in his pockets. His piercing cold eyes stared back at them ominously. Their heads bowed as soon as they realized who he was and scuffled off fast.

"You're early," came a calm voice approaching from behind him.

"And you're late," he said firmly in that voice that is void of any emotion without even bothering to look back.

There was a soft laugh and the other figure stood beside him.

"It's funny how despite the rumors running 'round, they're still quite thrilled to come here," he said quietly and looked around. "Ahh. Curiousity."

'Yes, curiousity...'

Sin'High is anything but normal. A campus situated in a secluded area, miles away from the society.

Though, there were only rumours about its mysteries, nothing confirmed. There was no proof. Even the Academy's very existence is a mystery itself, as if a top secret. There had been a number of quiet influential officials who tried to penetrate its walls but never succeeded. It was as if the academy is untouchable.

For a few outsiders who've learned about its existence, Sinclair High Academy is but a school for the extremely privileged that stands with a good reputation and is sitting at the top of academic excellence. What they don't know and what they will never know is that it is an elite school of the 'rebellious', 'unlikely teenagers', 'divergent' or simply 'gangsters' exiled for the better. A school for the select few who can't seem to belong in a normal world, within a normal society.

"Curiosity already killed the cat," the other guy remarked with a hint of amusement.

He stiffened at the mention of it then smoothly pulled his hands off his pockets. "And it's swooping down for the bird too," he said quietly, walking away.

"Ahh, yes. The bird," the voice whispered and looked over the distance, a glint flashed in his eyes.

"Of course, we can!"

Cindy looked at the new girls who are making a feeble attempt at folding their clothes. 'Wealthy brats'. They are the freshies assigned to share a room with her.

The New Girl's Top Secret QuestTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang