Chapter 19 - She's Back!

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"It's been three days," Mason grumbled as they once again got turned around for the third time by the Guardians with only  the assurance that Raven is on the way to recovery. But, they needed to see for themselves.

They were hired for a reason. They were supposed to be her guardians. And they failed her. Mason kicked the ground in irritation sending small cobblestones flying and let out a series of colorful curses.

Pajardo tried to calm him down  by tapping his shoulders and they headed back to the dormitory.

"It's a good thing, tomorrow's Saturday. We'd be allowed inside Division B then maybe we could sneak into the Infirmary," Djablo suggested after a thought.

Every weekend, students are allowed inside Division B for much needed recreation. It's when the mall opens for everyone to shop and pamper themselves. Anyhow, it's the most awaited day of the week.

Mason nodded. "Let's do that."

As the Head Doctor left Raven the next day, the nurse came in to check her status. After that, she was allowed to go up the rooftop on a wheelchair. She didn't need it of course, but after just a flight of stairs she was already out of breath. A moment later, the same nurse showed up looking pensive with a wheelchair. She assisted Raven to it and wheeled her inside the elevator without a word. Nurse Cherry Solis  bid her a good day as she pressed the R button. 

Raven sighed as she remembered her morning with Dr. Fritz Theodore at the roof deck of the infirmary. He was a tall and good-looking man. Looks young too. Maybe just a few  years older than her and she was eighteen years old.

She first saw his back as she wheeled off the elevator. He is a tall, well built man with jet-black hair. He had his hands on his pockets as she rolled on the green tarmac. Slowly, she wheeled towards him and stood beside him enjoying the warm sunshine and fresh air on her face. 

"Lemme guess, a fresh graduate from Harvard?" 

Hearing her, he swiveled back with a wide smile. His eyebrow raised questioningly. "What gave away?"

She motioned towards his class ring with the Harvard emblem on. 

"Hmm," he nodded as if in agreement, still smiling. "You're good. I'm flattered that you think I'm that much younger but, unfortunately, no. I'm older than that."

Giving him a sideways glance, she asks, "Really? How old are you then?"

He laughed and pretended to look offended. "Don't you know it's a crime to ask people their chronological age?"

"So, you're one of those people who believes that knowing ones vital information makes other people create biases about you which may or may not be who you really are. At all."

"Well, don't you?"

"Perhaps. Most people fall into that trap," she replied as her eyes panned along the entirety of the view. It looks like they're higher up than she thought. They were facing the sea in the horizon and when she looked around, it was also overlooking the entire SinHigh campus. There were guardians patrolling from the top of each buildings, pacing about looking out for unlikely sights. "But it's a weapon actually. Other people's judgmental nature cloud their rational abilities. At the end, it can either be their trap or your trap. Depends on who wages it better."

The doctor nodded, getting deep in thought. "You speak riddles."

"She's awake!" Pajardo announced loudly as he barged into the common room. Mason and Djablo bolted up. 



The three of them ran out the building in haste. 

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