Chapter 9:The Black Note

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The bath was supposed to be refreshing however the black note just won't let her mind rest. 'What does they want with me?'

She was in the middle of slicing a very appetizing beef stake when somebody laid a soft hand on her left shoulder.

Her head tilted to the side to see Daz, as she have learned her name later. Daz walked over and took a seat in front of her. She gave her a nod as she glanced at her almost empty plate. "I am not sure how you are still able to eat but that should be a good sign right?" She spoke tentatively.

"Sign for what?" She asked nonchallantly.

"Well, it's eight minutes before you meet the Black Widow. And you look completely fine."

She threw Daz a glance before going back to eating. Ohh,- "I see I lost track of time. I should probably get going by now." She said and wiped her lips with the napkin.

Her eyes bugged out at her response. Seems like she had not anticipated her calmness.

She shook her head, amused. "I have had a fair share of death threats to last a lifetime. What is a short meeting with a guy compared to it, right?"

Daz was aghast but when recovered shrieked out, "It's Grey Sinclair. Not just any other cranked-up con artist who've had too much of a booze."

She was taken aback by Daz's sudden outburst, "Don't get too worked out now. It's just a meeting."

"With Grey Sinclair...," she emphasized slowly. "I understand New York is on the other side of the planet but c'mon I know you've heard stories. At least, they have told you quiet a few right?"

Well, as a daughter of a controversial businessman, stories can be just another exaggerated lie.  

But, she just nodded, having taken a clear picture of where the girl's coming from. She let down her utensils slowly and crossed her hands over her chest. "He's the Black Widow. So what? If he does something so grave as choke me to death in our meeting tonight then you'd know who to tell.  In any case, I have to go," She said standing up. "Besides, I really don't have much of a choice, do I?"

Her eyes reflected understanding and another thing which is really surprising given the fact that they've only known each other for a few hours. She's concern for her safety more than she pities her. However, looking closely, Daz looked worn. Her eyes sunken. Her lips dry. Daz closed her eyes that for a moment, Raven thought she was in pain. 

"Are you alright?" Raven asked when she saw Daz felt for her chest as if having difficulty breathing.

Daz's eyes flew open in surprise. As if, caught in a mistake, she averted her eyes and said 'No'.

Once Raven got out of the cafe and trod the path towards the main building. Her flats are the only ones making ticking noises in its silent corridors. The huge chandelier hanging from the third floor was the only light in the place. It illuminated the lobby dramatically throwing lights in the exposed places while highlighting the dark corners of the room. She looked up and realized she could be the only one in the lower floors. She glanced at the elevators and breathed with relief when she saw it blinking. She's not really fond of stairs.

The elevator opened with a ding and she frowned. A tall guy stepped out and politely laid out a hand to keep the door open. She wasn't expecting to come face to face with yet another Black Widow today much less one fetching her.

She blinked. "I can actually go up alone," she said seriously.

A polite smile painted his lips. "I know. But a gentleman shouldn't let a lady go up a dark corridor unescorted, should he?"

"I really don't care much about chivalry," she said upfront. Still frowning but she got in nonetheless and just let him be.

He smirked as he turned towards her. "Chivalry aside, I went down so you'll have access," he said as he reached to the hand biometric. 

She rolled her eyes.


She looked at him. He was already giving her an amused stare. 

"You know who I am." She watched as it turned to a smile. His eyes are sporting a very amused look. His actually very tall and lean. He must be 6'2" as her 5'8" frame only came up to his neck. She hate to admit it but he's quiet attractive. And to even say that, is a huge understatement.

"Yes, I perfectly know who you are," he replied as she averted her eyes from him. 'I bet he does.'

He stole a glance her way as the doors closed before asking quiet casually, "How do you know Grey?"

She blinked. "I don't."

He gave her a side-long glance and nodded. "Well, that's odd."

She looked at him. "So he's the one who summoned me."

"You can say that," he replied just before the door opened.

'Why had he wanted to see me? I don't f**cking know.' The first thing that came to her mind as they stepped out of the elevator was 'Where's the effin chandelier?'

"The chandelier's on the third floor," he said suddenly as if reading her mind, a smile in his voice.

There he goes with making her frown again. 'But this is the third floor.'

Sensing her question coming along too, he turned to her with a playful glint in his eyes, "You're on the fourth floor."

She stopped and tried to process the details of this building. From the outside, it looks like the main building only has three floors. She guess they're on the attic. A very spacious attic at that.

She looked around and saw simplicity yet she  the elegance of the interior is admirable. The theme was black alright but the shades used in the linear designs were magnificent. The glowing floor and ceiling's edges gave the room a peculiar condescending dimension. They were like walking and the room feels like it's getting smaller and farther. A work of a real artist. 

He must have seen the appreciative look in her eyes cause he smiled again. "You'll meet the artist inside. Don't tell I spilled the beans though," he said giving her a sly, conspiratorial wink.

"Looks like he have a a good taste."

"That, he does," he answered hinting a pun.

Her brows crossed as a light flickered on at the at the end of the hallway revealing a door.  And it's red. Reminding her of a horror movie she and Liam watched a few years ago. It has a plane wood finish, but thinking about what she just discovered, she doesn't think so.

"Well, this is as far as I go, Raven," he said turning to her as the reached it. His hands were on his pockets. Hearing her name from him felt quite odd.

She nodded.

"Relax, Raven. You'll be fine," he said with a smirk. His smile seemed to lighten the whole place and she felt strangely relieved.

In a moment, he was gone and she was still standing there, itching to go back the way they came from.

The eery silence gave an ominous vibe around.

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