P r o l o g u e

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Once upon a time in a Kingdom far, far away. There live a young princess. Her hair is as soft as the morning breeze, her eyes as brown as hazel and her lips as pink as the blossoms in the winter. Her beauty as enchanting as the moon in a clear night sky, her grace as captivating.

On the day the princess wandered through a flower meadow , the birds sang in delight, the soft winds blew with a rhythm. And she'd never been as amazed.

"I've never seen anything as lovely," a sweet voice said from behind.

She turned around and saw a little prince beaming at her. His puffy cheeks tinged with pink. A friend! She could not be any happier. He held her hand and they bowed to be together forever.

But then, as she looked up, darkness came over. Their smiles faded. Harsh wind blew and streaks of lightning pulsated in the sky.

The princess' kingdom was ravaged. She saw the dark knights bring their palace down. Burnt it. There was chaos everywhere. Screams of terror closing in on every direction. And she saw it. She saw the knight kill her parents. Shot them in front of her very eyes. They have had instructed her to run but she had never been as terrified.

That's when she felt a hand seizing hers. Pulling her away from it. Far away. She looked back at the prince holding her hand with tears in her eyes.

"I will protect you," he said with so much resolve in that sweet voice. But he was slipping away.

She got confused."Don't leave," she whispered urgently and ran towards him.

He just smiled but floated farther and farther. "You'll be safe. Trust me," he whispered. Then he vanished and she was alone.

In the dark. Everything was gone. She lost everything.


Then she found herself in another place. In another time. The silence was defeaning. She could even hear her own breathing. "Where am I?"

"Please, don't kill me!" Somebody pleads in horror.

She spun around and saw a man lying on the ground, profusely bleeding. Standing by his feet, is another black figure who was aiming a dagger against the poor man's chest. It looks almost translucent. It was covered in black except for its eyes.

"Please spare me...," the man begged again. His voice, trembling in fear.

She took a sharp step back when she realized he was looking at her and she gasped. Cold fear run through her veins like wildfire. Her eyes darted to the black figure looking her way. The cold, deathly glint in its eyes haunted her, sipping into her senses like steel, cold claws.

She turned to run. But she was jolted to a stop when she saw all lifeless bodies around. She saw blood everywhere. But, their eyes seem to be leading in her direction. She spun back.

"Don't...," she whispered. Shaking her head at it. But it did not seem to hear her. Even recognize her. The glazed look in its exposed eyes told her so.

The man on the ground was still looking at her, desperately pleading. She has to save him.

"Please...," she begged again.

The black figure looked down. And without any prelude, plunged the dagger right into the man's chest.

She froze in place. Struck in horror. The man's eyes went wide with shock and then flickered in pain. His hand automatically fumbling on his chest.

"No...," she breathed, completely petrified. She saw blood oozing off his wound. Tears welled in her eyes as she watched the man's eyes slowly close. "Don't..."

Her knees gave in and she dropped to the ground, shaking in terror. She stared at the retreating man, helplessly. Tears streaming down her cheeks. She felt her chest constrict at the shock of witnessing the crime that she let out a piercing scream.

Then blackness came over.

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