Chapter 10: Tell me your name

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She stood there for a full minute before she finally heard a faint click and some metal rustling. She was right to believe this door isn't just ordinary. They, after all, had to beef up security.

A second later, the door completely slid open. The room was eerily dark as she entered but as soon as her eyes adjusted, the ceiling caught her attention right away. She was actually staring at a breathtaking scenery of the night sky. Her forehead creased as she glanced around the room. She was staring at the moon and what looks like a view of the Milky Way Galaxy. She realized it was actually made visible through the glass roof. A private room under a clear night sky. Ingenious.

"You didn't invite me to flaunt this, I suppose?" She said flatly but loud enough for him to hear as she set her eyes on his silhouette. He was seated on a lounging chair on her right, a glass of wine tipped to his lips. His face was obscured in the dark. His black full-sleeved polo shirt which had two buttons opened, overly faded jeans and black shoes visible through a splash of moonlight which highlighted his pale skin. And that tattoo.

She knew he'd been quietly observing her for a while now. She felt his eyes on her the moment she stepped into the room. There was a long silence that followed.

"Why are you here?" he asked. His voice monotonous and barely audible.

His question actually caught her by surprise and she answered rather blandly. "You sent me a black note."

He leaned forward and she noticed the faint light accentuated his prominent nose. "That's not what I'm asking," he replied gruffly.

She frowned. 'Oh. That one.' "I do believe you have my papers."

"I am asking you. Again," he said with his voice hard and grim. Putting emphasis on each word he says as if to convey a warning. "Why are you here?"

She blinked at his sudden change of tone and sighed, grasping for her patience. "I'm caught up in a circumstance which put mine and my father's life in peril. He sent me here to hide." She winced at her words. She can't believe owning up to such cowardice. "Is that what you're asking?"

"You," he started on gritted teeth but stopped abruptly as she heard him intake a sharp breath. He seem to be holding himself back from something which is getting her all confused.

She felt him shift forward as he harshly comb his hands on his dark, kinky hair. The gesture made her wary. She frowned. 'Is it just me or he's really getting riled up?'

She waited for his response but it did not come right away. Instead, he walked up to his table rigidly and poured himself a drink again which he gulped in one shot. His back on her. It was so quiet that the clinking of crystal glasses seemed amplified.

Another silence followed and her patience was burning out. "You asked for me. At least tell me why or let me go."

His form stiffened at her boldness and she was aware of his balled hands. Then slowly, he turned around and faced her, his eyes shadowed. "Tell me your name," he commanded. His voice once again grave and leveled.

Her frown went deeper and she had to bite her tongue to refrain herself from spitting out some hot words. She breathe hard and obliged. "Raven Mooncrest."

"Your real name," he said. His voice was hard yet strangely something else.

"That's my real name," She replied firmly. 'Where exactly is he getting at?'

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