Chapter 12: Pretty Girl in Trouble

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"We have five of your eight classes together but if you mind going with me, it's fine," Cindy blurted nonchalantly as she handed Raven's class schedule back.

They're sitting on their beds, ready for school.

Raven eyed her with the same blank eyes. But, the alert glint in it betrays her intelligence. Like she's looking at Cindy under microscopic eyes and solving her like an equation.

It unsettled Cindy how her gaze seems to bore through the deepest part of her soul. She shrugged as if to shake off the chills that crept up her spine and she quickly headed for the door. "Let's go," she breathed, avoiding her gaze.

Raven sighed and followed her. She had been too busy with everything else that she forgot to scout for her classrooms yesterday. If she doesn't go along with Cindy, she'd be late again for class.

She had never liked going to school. However, given her situation, she had no other choices. She's stuck in here 'till it's over.

Every student hushed up and turned their way as they entered the lobby. She had never been shy of attention. She was accustomed to it living as the daughter of one of the richest men on earth all her life. But it has its own setbacks as well. Not everybody adores an heir as rich as she is.

She had always been at the receiving end of mostly pure jealousy and hatred ever since. That was the reason why she had never gone to a proper school again. She had been home-schooled ever since 6th grade. Now she had to interact with students again. Though, not just ordinary bratty ones but socially insecure, thrill-seeking, and if she dare say so, deeply troubled teenagers.

Now, as she and Cindy paved their way towards the second floor hallway, student's eyes pierced through her. She can't say Cindy, who was leading the way, wasn't affected at all as she was walking rather stiffly. Her steps were gaining speed. Like she would rather bolt away from her.

She did not bother returning those sharp gazes though, instead she fixed her bored eyes ahead and held her head high as always. Her physique gave her a fragile charm. Yet, there's an overwhelming aura around her that screams with confidence and a badass battlecry of 'I may be thin but dare me and you'll see!'. She might have learned not to be affected from anything but in times like this when she needs to be let alone to do her stuff, all their prying eyes were glued on her, following her around like patrolling hawks.

She heard the first morning bell rang and everybody scampered to their classes but not without throwing her one final look.

A few steps more and Cindy finally stopped in front of a door. Raven crossed her arms on her chest and eyed it. SH213. The shrill sound of the final bell prodded her to walk through the door after Cindy.

All conversations ceased as she stood inside the lucrative, dim room trying to find an empty seat. There's always a deafening eeriness in every cranny of this place.

Cindy was already settled but she noticed three girls were surrounding the girl as she tried to focus on her paperwork to ignore them.

They stopped when they noticed her presence and were now looking her down haughtily. She just gave the girl with the impeccably straight blond hair a passing glance before she walked straight to the second to the last empty chair by the window and settled down.

"Class, settle down please." The teacher announced as she came in but they're still staring at her weirdly. Though their eyes were wary with apprehension, glancing rapidly from the empty chairs to her.

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