Chapter 23: "Agent 1, do you copy?"

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With guns loaded, the Black Widows and their guards climb into their cars. Hidden compartments were opened revealing more ammunition. Had a quick scan of explosives detector in case their cars are bugged. Ten cars then revved loudly and in a second, zoomed out the casino and into the alive streets of Macau.

"This is Base. Route plan is up. Head right into Estr. do Istmo," A3 informed on their monitor.


Grey sat grimly on the backseat. They have taken separate vehicles for the way out. It's safer that way.

" A2, A3, B1 and B2 you're all together in Alpha. A4, B3, B4 and B5, you're Bravo. A1, you'll be left with B6 in Charlie. Be ready to part on Rotunda Flor de Lotus. Company is closing and fast."

Just as planned.

Several 'Copy' sounded.

The convoy was moving in breakneck speed when suddenly the group disbanded. Disoriented, their pursuers broke pace before dividing groups and gaining momentum again.

Only two pursued Charlie straight along Estr. do Istmo. Perhaps, taking them as just decoys which is as planned. A black racing vehicle which is gaining faster on them and a big bike with two riders.

The car's choice was bad enough for a chase in the city's busy streets. With so much engine power, crashing is highly possible.

As expected, the race car easily caught up with them. But with the slight traffic on the way, Charlie easily navigated around other cars.

As they came to a clearer road though and they zoomed on even faster, Grey started hearing shots fired on his backup.

Several cars honked their horns in their wake as they tried to veer off the fire range.

Grey's driver stepped on it and his guards are on alert look-out.

"Charlie, this is Base. Heavy traffic ahead. Turn right on Rotunda de Seac Pai Van ."

"Copy," Grey's driver affirmed. They took a sharp turn and suddenly a bullet ricocheted on their windshield, leaving only a little nip.

In the Base, Yu Jin had his eyes glued on the screen.

"Sir, we've got police reports."

"Map the location of all police patrols in the area. And monitor all reports."

"Yes, Sir."

"B5 Bravo, down," a deep voice suddenly announced on their radio monitor.

"Copy that," A5 replied. He then clicked the connection on mute and launched another. "This is Base. Rescue to Av. de Vale das Borboletas . Code, Mating Huskies," he said proudly with a smirk. And off the air he said, "George, mobilize the cleaners."

"Copy, Base."

He then went back to the agents. "Base to B5. Rescue incoming. Code, Mating Huskies."

Ashton snickered. Punk loves his perverse codes.

"A3, Sir, two big bikes closing in," One of the agents on the backseat said.

Ashton glanced at his side mirror and saw one now tailing really close and was starting to fire at them. "Fire away."

The two nodded and closed down the bullet proofed division between the backseat and the front. They, then, open-fired at the pursuers. He could feel every bullet that lands sharply on the car, which started zigzagging to avoid them blowing the tires.

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