Chapter 6: The Reaper

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Spade Black glanced at the rear view mirror as soon as he turned the corner towards the highway in the middle of the forest. His features darkened at the sight of his father laid back on the back seat with his eyes closed. The black chest carefully cuddled on his lap.

Three months ago, his father had undergone a coma caused by two recurring heart attacks. It was so sudden that the Inferno had been left temporarily dazed. Internal organizations clawed their way up trying to seize the power. But Inferno wasn't paralyzed. They had secured their authority and continued their operation. The only lapse they had not foreseen was Nimfa's murder. She went on hiatus before that. He thought she just strayed around again pulling off naughty stunts like she always does. They never thought they would find her here in the North. . . burned down to ashes.

He could still remember clearly that fateful night a month ago,  when the letter came bringing the bad news. 

Hector Black literally walked out of the hospital in Australia at dawn yesterday to fly out here in the Philippines as soon as he learned the tragedy. Barely 24 hours after he recovered. Without him, the organization could not even risk themselves exposed here in the North even amid Nimfa's case. They have been bounded by a pact. And the Black Widow would only yield negotiation for the Master. They all had adhered to the rules of the pact. Technically, the High Society couldn't be held accountable for a Legacy's death on its own territory. Especially not when they claim her walking into the premises on her own accord.

But then again, his half-sister was killed. Hector Black's daughter died. Two months ago. In the hands of their adversary. And somebody's gonna pay hard s**t for it.

'The Black Widow's High Society made a fatal mistake. They had severed the beaten tie.' He stepped on it on the gas. 'They shouldn't have done that.'

After a long drive, he turned another curve leading to the tarmac and pulled over beside the Gulfstream II private jet. Behind them, Spencer, Blake and Andrei pulled over as well. A dozen black cars from the convoy positioned around. The heavily armed men secured the area and assisted them towards the jet. The two Black Hawks  hovered around for aerial security. The North was never a good place for an Inferno.

On the other hand, The Black Widow stormed back to their office. Yu Jin immediately sat behind the computer controls to set up communication with the headquarters while Grey settled on the recliner massaging his temple.

"Inferno really loves surprises." Ashton scoffed as he entered the room. Ivann headed directly to the bar and took some bottle of drinks.

Trevor eyed Ivann as he made the cocktails. He never fails to impress with his excellent bar-tending skills. This must be a special occasion because he was making his specialty, the Wizard of Booze. Sir Hector's face flashed in his mind again. And the look on his face was unsettling.

He passed a glass to Grey after them.

Grey stared at the glass on his hand. Turning the liquid around and round looking like in a deep thought. This has been happening most of the time now. Ever since the High Society began holding back information. The Black Widow has been removed of the investigation on the Inferno Legacy's case. And Grey isn't happy about it.

"Yes, command center. Patch me through. Now," they heard Yu Jin say on his headphone. They heard a short cackle on the speaker before the monitor cleared up to show a live feed.

Five men were seated round a table. Their faces obscured in the darkness of the room. The High Society is complete.

The middle man cleared his throat as he fixed his eyes on the monitor. "Report."

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