Chapter 4: The Dark Angel?

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It's evident the rumor have reached everybody's ears. She felt the familiar queasy feeling consume the old students too. They were unusually closely huddled in packs again. Talking in whispers.

The eeriness of that cloudy morning mirrored the subtle tension around.

She just entered the lobby when Daz and Tasha caught up with her. Like her, they are both in their uniforms too. Fitted white and red trimmed blouse paired with red and black checkered pleated skirt which only reaches the thighs, above the knee black socks and trendy shoes.

She glanced at her watch and noticed it's only 7:55 o'clock in the morning. Five minutes before class starts. She glanced at them. Daz nodded but Tasha did not seem to care. It seems as though, she's still sulking from yesterday. However, she has a feeling it wouldn't take long. Tasha is craning her neck looking around. Finding her only consolation for coming into this place.

Cindy had agreed to show them the Black Widow. Like always, many students lingered in the lobby and at the railings above to wait for them. Mostly, freshies and females. They were all buzzing in anticipation. Excited to come face to face with the mysterious Black Widow at last.

They've been waiting for a couple of minutes but still no Black Widow came.

She glanced at her watch again and did a double take. The clock had stroked 8:00 o'clock and the class bell went off.

They were heading to their classes when a warning siren blared.

She glanced around at the anxious faces. 'What is happening?'

Another minute passed when they heard a commotion outside. Through the glass wall, they could see the influx of students looking at something on the gate's direction. That's when they saw the huge gate opening wide.

She was on her feet in an instant, dashing outside along with the others. She had wiggled towards the front line in time to see four flashy cars race inside the vast compound. Its screaming engines vroomed all over the place and skidded to a stop in front of the building, a few meters away from them. It had parked side by side with each other. It's black tinted wind shields not permitting a glimpse of its passengers.

They all stood silently there, waiting for the visitors to show themselves.

After a few moments, the sound of the engines died down and everything was quiet again.

"What's going on?" She heard somebody whisper shakily from behind. She suddenly felt cold.

There were whimpers on her left too. "It can't be the Infernos, right?"

There was fear in their voices. But nobody could really blame them. The legend of the Inferno is unforgiving. Darkness shadows its very name as death looms the Dark Angel's.

But, one thing's for sure. The reinforcements won't be coming in flashy cars in broad daylight.

Then something crossed her mind as one of the cars' door swung open. And she realized, nobody really saw the Inferno's gang up close. Not even the famous Dark Angel.

All thoughts escaped her thou when finally the person from the yellow Lamborghini emerged.

There was a collective gasp from among the students.

Why the guy certainly doesn't look like a year older than her!

He was tall, about 5'11, with perfect dark features. His kinky dark hair was arranged in a perfect brush-back. His sky-blue eyes scanned us as he walked towards the two other guys who had emerged from their cars too.

The other two guys looked so much alike. They're... twins. They're both as tall and lean, with European features except for their hair. One had blond hair with a shade of mahogany brown. The other had black hair with streaks of gold on the right side which undeniably formed a... three-star pyramid!


We all watched in horror, throwing nervous glances at each other. They were all in white like they've been on a funeral or something. They talked to each other solemnly for a moment. Then the first guy slowly turned upwards as his right hand closed in his pocket.

The rest turned too. They were staring nonchalantly at something in the building. Curious, Cindy looked up too. For a tick of a moment, she swore she saw a silhouette before it disappeared from the glass wall of the third floor.

"Who are they?" Daz had somehow managed to stand beside her.

"I don't exactly know. But they're with the Inferno, that's for sure," she responded quietly but a few heads still turned towards her and nodded.

The twins lazily leaned on the white car's hood. They're somewhat waiting...

The students in the middle noticeably parted like the red sea. When it cleared, she saw Marco, the Student Body's Information Officer stood aside.

Behind him appeared the Black Widow with Grey Sinclair leading the pack in all his mighty glory. His kinky dark hair falling down to his piercing ash grey eyes. His fierce stance created a dim aura around him. But it didn't make him look any less attractive just like his four other companions. The Russian, Trevor Sheramwov who looks so kind and calm, is a pianist. Ashton Lee is a genious in Physics. Ivann McCartney's a huge bookworm and Sung, Yu Jin is computer-savvy.

All attention were turned to them. Females' eyes worship the very ground they're walking. But their eyes only fixed ahead and never leaving sight of the visitors.

How these heavenly looking creatures could be standing in the same place is beyond her.

Shaking her head, Cindy saw the Black Widow stopped about a meter away from the Infernos. The new guys straightened up upon the arrival of the Student Body. They did not say anything but the first guy turned to look at the blue car which had a CCXR logo on its side.

Just then, the car's door opened and out came a tall guy. It would only be an understatement to say he was gorgeous because they all were. But this guy and okay.. Grey are just exceptional. They're exquisite! However, his grayish eyes did not look as piercing as Grey's and his soft features were just... endearing. His shiny dark hair which is almost covering his eyes added up to the effect. When his eyes met with Grey thou, his lips formed a thin line. That's when his eyes turned cold and emotionless. He, all of a sudden, transformed into somebody dangerous.

She gasped. Could he be... The Dark Angel?


Awright!! Two chapters in one day!!! I know... I'M SOO COOL!! >laughing out loud< :D

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